Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems
Annotation The four volume set LNAI 3681, LNAI 3682, LNAI 3683, and LNAI 3684constitute the refereed proceedings of the 9th International Conferenceon Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, KES2005, held in Melbourne, Australia in September 2005. The 716 revised papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected fromnearly 1400 submissions. The papers present a wealth of original researchresults from the field of intelligent information processing in thebroadest sense; topics covered in the first volume are intelligentdesign support systems, data engineering, knowledge engineering andontologies, knowledge discovery and data mining, advanced networkapplication, approaches and methods of security engineering, chancediscovery, information hiding and multimedia signal processing, softcomputing techniques and their applications, intelligent agenttechnology and applications, smart systems, knowledge - based interfacesystems, intelligent information processing for remote sensing, intelligent human computer interaction systems, experience managementand knowledge management, network (security) real-time and faulttolerant systems, advanced network application and real-time systems, and intelligent watermarking algorithms.