The Saints' Rapture to the Presence of the Lord Jesus
We are delighted to bring this present book to readers again, many years after the previous edition sold out. The subject of the rapture of the believers is perplexing to many students of the Bible who are not content simply to accept popular film dramatizations of eschatological interpretations. Throughout Church history, particularly in the post-Reformation era, the understanding of Biblical prophecy drew much attention from among the greatest theologians of their time. The Plymouth Brethren teachers in particular dug deeply and published voluminously concerning end-time prophecy. However, when it came to the rapture of the believers in Christ, even among the Brethren there were great differences of opinion concerning the timing. The 19 th -century controversy between their great teachers John Nelson Darby and Benjamin Newton began with their divergent views of pre-tribulation versus post-tribulation rapture. Each substantiated his argument with scriptures, indeed difficult to reconcile.In this great work, Robert Govett does not avoid any of the difficult passages. Rather, in his usual style, he methodically analyzes and compares each relevant parable and statement of the Lord Jesus and of the apostles. His very first elucidation focuses on the time factor itself, showing how the Greek word denoting the "coming" (parousia) of the Lord in many verses (e.g., 1 Cor. 15:23, 1 Thes. 4:15, 5:23, 2 Thes. 2:1, 1 John 2:28) is not the usual Greek word for "coming", but literally means "presence". He then shows that the coming of the Lord refers to that period during which Christ will come to the clouds and remain present there but hidden, much like Jehovah was present with Israel in a cloud, but Himself not seen, on Mount Sinai.