Professional Writing in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, Fourth Edition
With many more exercises, writing samples, and online resources, Professional Writing in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, Fourth Edition is an excellent resource for students of communication sciences and disorders. It is often used as a textbook for courses in professional writing, clinical methods, and professional issues. Throughout the text, the authors use anecdotal material, self-help questions, and humor to illustrate that learning to be a better professional writer does not require drudgery. The authors cover a spectrum of subjects related to professional writing, including, rules of writing (review of grammar, spelling, punctuation, semantics, and sentence structure), evidence-based writing and citing sources, ethics related to professional writing, writing diagnostic and clinical reports, and writing for professional career advancement. New to the Fourth Edition: * More exercises throughout the book * Incorporates APA 7th edition style * Reorganized for a greater flow of information: * Combined the chapters on Evidence-Based Writing and Ethics of Professional Writing * Combined the chapters on Referencing Resources and Internet Resources * Book now ends with chapter 8 on professional presentations * Expansion of English mechanics underlying syntax * Inclusion of the 2023 revised version of the ASHA Code of Ethics Key Features: * Exercises in each chapter * Numerous samples, including: * Institutional Review Board Research Review Form * Authorization of Release of Information Form * Journal Article Critique * Diagnostic Reports and Protocol Worksheets * Therapy Goals and Progress Reports * Types of Professional Correspondence * Presentation Slides * Resumes Disclaimer: Please note that ancillary content such as exercises and sample presentations are not included as in the original print version of this work.