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This meticulously edited spy collection is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents: Introduction: The World's Greatest Military Spies and Secret Service Agents (George Barton) My Adventures as a Spy (Robert Baden-Powell) Novels: John Buchan: The 39 Steps Greenmantle Mr Standfast The Three Hostages The Island of Sheep The Courts of the Morning The Green Wildebeest Huntingtower Castle Gay The House of the Four Winds The Power-House John Macnab The Dancing Floor The Gap in the Curtain Sick Heart River Sing a Song of Sixpence E. Phillips Oppenheim: The Spy Paramount The Great Impersonation Last Train Out The Double Traitor Havoc The Spymaster Ambrose Lavendale, Diplomat The Vanished Messenger The Dumb Gods Speak The Pawns Court The Box With Broken Seals The Great Prince Shan The Devil's Paw The Bird of Paradise The Zeppelin's Passenger The Kingdom of the Blind The Illustrious Prince The Lost Ambassador Mysterious Mr. Sabin The Betrayal The Colossus of Arcadia Erskine Childers: The Riddle of the Sands Joseph Conrad: The Secret Agent John R. Coryell: The Great Spy System William Le Queux: The Great War in England in 1897 The Invasion of 1910 Whoso Findeth a Wife Of Royal Blood Her Majesty's Minister The Under-Secretary The Czar's Spy Spies of the Kaiser The Price of Power Her Royal Highness At the Sign of the Sword Number 70, Berlin The Way to Win The Zeppelin Destroyer Sant of the Secret Service Fred M. White: The Romance of the Secret Service Fund By Woman's Wit The Mazaroff Rifle In the Express The Almedi Concession The Other Side of the Chess-Board Three of Them Robert W. Chambers: In Secret The Dark Star The Slayer of Souls The Flaming Jewel James Fenimore Cooper: The Spy: A Tale of the Neutral Ground Arthur Conan Doyle: His Last Bow Talbot Mundy: Jimgrim and Allah's Peace The Iblis at Ludd The Seventeen Thieves of El-Kalil The Lion of Petra The Woman Ayisha The Lost Trooper Affair in Araby A Secret Society Moses and Mrs. Aintree The Mystery of Khufu's Tomb
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Identification and Evaluation of the Cost-Effectiveness of Highway Design Features to Reduce Nonrecurrent Congestion
Identification and Evaluation of the Cost-Effectiveness of Highway Design Features to Reduce Nonrecurrent Congestion
This report from the second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2), which is administered by the Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, focuses on geometric design treatments that can be used to reduce delays due to nonrecurrent congestion.
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In the summer of 1943, at the height of World War II, battles were exploding all throughout the Pacific theater. In mid-November of that year, the United States waged a bloody campaign on Betio Island in the Tarawa Atoll, the most heavily fortified Japanese territory in the entire Pacific. They were fighting to wrest control of the island to stage the next big push toward Japan—and one journalist was there to chronicle the horror. Dive into war correspondent Robert Sherrod’s battlefield account as he goes ashore with the assault troops of the U.S. Marines 2nd Marine Division in Tarawa. Follow the story of the U.S. Army 27th Infantry Division as nearly 35,000 troops take on less than 5,000 Japanese defenders in one of the most savage engagements of the war. By the end of the battle, only seventeen Japanese soldiers were still alive. This story, a must for any history buff, tells the ins and outs of life alongside the U.S. Marines in this lesser-known battle of World War II. The battle itself carried on for three days, but Sherrod, a dedicated journalist, remained in Tarawa until the very end, and through his writing, shares every detail.
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Traffic Signal Retiming Practices in the United States
Traffic Signal Retiming Practices in the United States
TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Synthesis 409: Traffic Signal Retiming Practices in the United States explores practices that operating agencies currently use to revise traffic signal timing. The report examines the processes used to develop, install, verify, fine-tune, and evaluate the plans--
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The Seattle General Strike
The Seattle General Strike
“We are undertaking the most tremendous move ever made by LABOR in this country, a move which will lead—NO ONE KNOWS WHERE!” With these words echoing throughout the city, on February 6, 1919, 65,000 Seattle workers began one of the most important general strikes in US history. For six tense yet nonviolent days, the Central Labor Council negotiated with federal and local authorities on behalf of the shipyard workers whose grievances initiated the citywide walkout. Meanwhile, strikers organized to provide essential services such as delivering supplies to hospitals and markets, as well as feeding thousands at union-run dining facilities. Robert L. Friedheim’s classic account of the dramatic events of 1919, first published in 1964 and now enhanced with a new introduction, afterword, and photo essay by James N. Gregory, vividly details what happened and why. Overturning conventional understandings of the American Federation of Labor as a conservative labor organization devoted to pure and simple unionism, Friedheim shows the influence of socialists and the IWW in the city’s labor movement. While Seattle’s strike ended in disappointment, it led to massive strikes across the country that determined the direction of labor, capital, and government for decades. The Seattle General Strike is an exciting portrait of a Seattle long gone and of events that shaped the city’s reputation for left-leaning activism into the twenty-first century.
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Fatigue Loading and Design Methodology for High-Mast Lighting Towers
Fatigue Loading and Design Methodology for High-Mast Lighting Towers
TRB’s National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 718: Fatigue Loading and Design Methodology for High-Mast Lighting Towers provides criteria for the fatigue design of high-mast lighting towers.
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Developing Production Pile Driving Criteria from Test Pile Data
Developing Production Pile Driving Criteria from Test Pile Data
TRB’s National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Synthesis 418: Developing Production Pile Driving Criteria from Test Pile Data provides information on the current practices used by state transportation agencies to develop pile driving criteria, with special attention paid to the use of test pile data in the process.
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Long-distance and Rural Travel Transferable Parameters for Statewide Travel Forecasting Models
Long-distance and Rural Travel Transferable Parameters for Statewide Travel Forecasting Models
"TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 735: Long-Distance and Rural Travel Transferable Parameters for Statewide Travel Forecasting Models explores transferable parameters for long-distance and rural trip-making for statewide models. Appendixes G, H, and I are not contained in print or PDF versions of the report but are available online. Appendix G presents a series of rural typology variables considered in stratifying model parameters and benchmarks and identifies the statistical significance of each. Appendix H contains rural trip production rates for several different cross-classification schemes and the trip rates associated with each. Finally, Appendix I provides additional information on auto occupancy rates."--Publisher's description.
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