Engage, Empower, Energize
In an era of high stakes accountability, testing, and standardization in education, Dr. Robert Dillon attempts to bring the student back into the center of the learning. This book is ideal for school leaders and teacher leaders that are searching for a new way to inject fresh energy and ideas into their learning spaces. By placing student engagement and the joy of learning into the center of the conversation, Dr. Dillon is able to showcase how providing students with choice, voice, and authentic audience can allow deeper learning to occur. Throughout the book, readers have the opportunity to journey with a principal as he regains his footing as a leader and begins to moving away from the inertia to just manage his school. In parallel, readers will be presented with ten proven strategies for bringing the quality of learning to their learning spaces that students, teachers, parents, and a community can truly celebrate. Dr. Dillon weaves this story into a vision of what is possible for schools when courage, leadership, and desire to maximize the potential of all students is paramount.