The Life Recovery Method
The latest research on autism and the brain is indicating that it affects the brain in much the same way as complex trauma. What does this mean for the delivery of behavioral and social services? If the brain is affected in the same ways as trauma what does this mean for educational, vocational, and developmental goals in the individual's life? How do we progress with treatment based on the research of the last six years? In this ground-breaking book, Robert looks at the research, how the brain reacts to both trauma and autism and what this means in the real world for treatment. Using case examples and his own observation Robert has laid out a method and direction for treatment that is making a profound difference in the lives of the individuals he supports every day. From families to schools to employment and individual struggles, Robert shares the methods that can bring lasting change to lives and often reduce or remove the necessity for expensive behavioral services. Learn why children are going into meltdown mode for seemingly no reason in seconds and how to slow that reactive process. Helping the individual to feel safe in a constantly assaultive and traumatic world can, and does, make all the difference. Parents, caregivers, educators, and individuals will find strength and hope in this book. Finally, a clear direction for the implementation of services that will make all the difference in the lives of those struggling with life on the autism spectrum. "The first time I sat down next to Robert during a clinical staffing meeting I thought who in the world is this man? He didn't look up, just kept working on his iPad. About 10 minutes in he looked up, took advantage of a lull in the conversation and proceeded to educate all of us on this child that he had only met once. Robert has a unique ability to assess behavior and environments in a matter of seconds or minutes. And to then provide a list of real treatment ideas that are simple and highly effective. I have worked with Robert on my most difficult cases and been consistently impressed by the simplicity of his ideas and amazed by his incredible knowledge. Robert is a fierce advocate and has walked alongside many families to help them find hope and progress in very challenging situations. I am thankful to have had the opportunity to learn from and work with such a gifted clinician and scholar. I look forward to the inspiration he will share throughout this book. Parents and professionals alike will leave this book with hope, purpose and confidence." -- Lori Wheelhouse, MA, LCPC, Clinical Director, KVC Prairie Ridge Children's Hospital "One-third of the individuals served by Special Needs Services of Ray County have a diagnosis of autism. Many of those individuals have experienced a trauma that reemerges in episodes of self-harm, depression, harm to others, and isolation. Mr. Cox has taught Mindfulness Training to individuals with autism that has allowed these individuals to move their thoughts past the trauma. I credit Mr. Cox with encouraging individuals to focus on what their life can become. Individuals are now making eye contact with others and speaking for themselves. They are working alongside their neighbors in competitive jobs. Many have left their natural homes and are learning how to live with supports in their community. Without the assessment and on-going therapy provided by Mr. Cox, our agency would still be responding to 911 calls and attempting to console desperate caregivers." - Suzan Breen, Executive Director, Special Needs Services of Ray County