Evidence for Criminal Justice
Evidence for Criminal Justice is a textbook for instructors who desire a comprehensive text for their evidence courses. It can serve as the core text for a one-semester undergraduate class in evidence, providing a clear and readable account of the law of evidence while acknowledging the importance of arguments about the fundamental facts, principles, and rules. The text explains the Federal Rules, selected state variations, major cases, essential doctrines, and important underlying policies. Frequent practical examples are used from courtroom practice to bring the subject matter to life and provide the context in which evidence problems arise, point out the issues involved, and familiarize students with the language of the courtroom. In addition to serving as a student textbook, this book is also a one-stop refresher for professionals in the field, covering evidentiary concepts for law enforcement and other public safety personnel who need an introduction to the rules of evidence. The text contains eleven chapters, with each chapter covering one group of evidence issues. While the chapters are arranged to be covered in sequential order, the instructor may vary the order of presentation. Evidence for Criminal Justice is designed so that students can understand the material without the instructor needing to take up valuable class time by explaining what the authors mean. The following Teaching Materials are available: (Email bhall@cap-press.com for more information.) * Teacher's Manual with teaching points, practicums and test bank in pdf format. * Test bank is also available in separate files by chapter in Word, Blackboard-compatible and Moodle formats. Other LMS formats may be available through Respondus. * PowerPoint slides are available upon adoption. Sample slides from the full 206-slide presentation are available to view here. Email bhall@cap-press.com for more information.