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Galaxies: Interactions and Induced Star Formation
Galaxies: Interactions and Induced Star Formation
This volume contains the written versions of the lectures given at the 26th course of the renowned Saas-Fee series. The book represents a comprehensive and up-to-date review of the field of galaxy interaction. Nowadays, galaxies are no longer seen as immutable objects: they evolve, interact, merge, blaze, and reshape. Dynamic forces can induce powerful stellar activity able to transform the matter composition and morphology of galaxies. The lectures included in this book aim at a better understanding of these remarkable and fascinating phenomena. Though the book is intended for graduate students and young post-docs in astrophysics, it contains more advanced and original material, as well as historical perspectives, which will be of great interest to experts and astronomy teachers also.
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Annual Report
Annual Report
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Microbial Sediments
Microbial Sediments
Microbes are of key importance in the production, deposition and diagenesis of sediments. This volume provides a comprehensive overview of microbial sediments. It contains authoritative and stimulating contributions by distinguished authors that cover the field and set the scene for future advances. It deals with mats and biofilms, biosedimentary precipitates, fabrics and diagenesis in a wide range of sedimentary environments, and it examines the development of microbial sediments through time. It is designed for postgraduate researchers and professional scientists who require up-to-date information on the influence of microorganisms on sedimentation.
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Polar Remote Sensing
Polar Remote Sensing
Polar Remote Sensing is a two-volume work providing a comprehensive, multidisciplinary discussion of the applications of satellite sensing. Volume 2 focuses on the ice sheets, icebergs, and interactions between ice sheets and the atmosphere and ocean. It contains information about the applications of satellite remote sensing in all relevant polar related disciplines, including glaciology, meteorology, climate and radiation balance and oceanogaraphy. It also provides a brief review of the state-of-the-art of each discipline, including current issues and questions. Various passive and active remote sensor types are discussed, and the book then concentrates on specific geophysical applications. Its interdisciplinary approach means that major advances and publications are highlighted. Polar Remote Sensing: Ice Sheets summarizes fundamental principles of detectors, imaging and geophysical product retrieval includes a chapter on the important new field of satellite synthetic-aperture radar interferometry is a "one stop shop" for polar remote sensing information contains significant new information on the Earth's polar regions describes sophisticated groundbased remote sensing applications with specific reference to their use in polar regions.
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Hydrocarbon Bioremediation
Hydrocarbon Bioremediation
With oil spills occurring worldwide, much media and practical attention has been given in recent years to the rapidly maturing field of hydrocarbon bioremediation, particularly with application to marine spills. Hydrocarbon contamination of soil and groundwater, although less visible, is even more widespread and has provided the background for the numerous studies presented in this book, in addition to those devoted to shoreline spills. Chapters address a wide variety of theory and practice and cover important subjects such as biofiltration, natural attenuation, surfactants, and the use of in situ bioventing compared to soil venting. This unique book represents the collective global experience of practitioners and researchers in North America, Europe, Africa, and Asia. It describes experiences in tying laboratory studies to field applications. Nowhere else can anyone involved in hydrocarbon bioremediation find more up-to-date, relevant information on field experience using the various techniques and combinations of techniques in remediating hydrocarbons by biological means.
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Polar Remote Sensing
Polar Remote Sensing
The polar regions, perhaps more than any other places on Earth, give the geophysical scientist a sense of exploration. This sensibility is genuine, for not only is high-latitude ?eldwork arduous with many locations seldom or never visited, but there remains much fundamental knowledge yet to be discovered about how the polar regions interact with the global climate system. The range of opportunities for new discovery becomes strikingly clear when we realize that the high latitudes are not one region but are really two vastly di?erent worlds. The high Arctic is a frozen ocean surrounded by land, and is home to fragile ecosystems and unique modes of human habitation. The Antarctic is a frozen continent without regular human habitation, covered by ice sheets taller than many mountain ranges and surrounded by the Earth’s most forbidding ocean. When we consider global change as applied to the Arctic, we discuss impacts to a region whose surface and lower atmospheric temperatures are near the triple point of water throughout much of the year. The most consistent signatures of climate warming have occurred at northern high latitudes (IPCC, 2001), and the potential impacts of a few degrees increase in surface temperature include a reduction in sea ice extent, a positive feedback to climate warming due to lowering of surface albedo, and changes to surface runo? that might a?ect the Arctic Ocean’s salinity and circulation.
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Structure Formation in the Universe
Structure Formation in the Universe
This book contains a series of lectures given at the NATO Advanced Study Institute (ASI) "Structure Formation in the Universe", held at the Isaac Newton Institute in Cambridge in August, 1999. The ASI was held at a critical juncture in the development of physical cosmology, when a flood of new data concerning the large scale structure of the Universe was just be coming available. There was an air of excitement and anticipation: would the standard theories fit the data, or would new ideas and models be re quired? Cosmology has long been a field of common interest between East and West, with many seminal contributions made by scientists working in the former Soviet Union and Eastern bloc. A major aim of the ASI was to bring together scientists from across the world to discuss exciting recent developments and strengthen links. However, a few months before the meeting it appeared that it might have to be cancelled. The war in the former Yugoslavia escalated and NATO began a protracted bombing cam paign against targets in Kosovo and Serbia. Many scientists felt uneasy about participating in a NATO-funded meeting in this situation. After a great deal of discussion, it was agreed that the developing East West conflict only heightened the need for further communication and that the school should go ahead as planned, but with a special session devoted to discussion of the legitimacy of NATO's actions.
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Molecular Markers in Environmental Geochemistry
Molecular Markers in Environmental Geochemistry
Molecular markers are substances that serve as source indicators and process probes. This comprehensive collection examines the use of molecular markers in environmental geochemistry. It presents recent research on three classes of markers: contemporary biogenic markers, fossil biomarkers, and anthropogenic markers.
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