A Man's Recovery from Traumatic Childhood Abuse
Break the silence about male victims of incest and sexual abuse! The pseudonymous author of A Man's Recovery from Traumatic Childhood Abuse: The Insiders had everything a man could want: intelligence, physical strength, financial security, close friends, a loving girlfriend, a home in the most beautiful part of California. But he also had mysterious physical pains, a bisexual father who had been beaten to death in an unsolved murder, a mother who was always ailing, a brother who had been killed in a car accident on the way to his eighteenth birthday party. And a sense that all these facts were somehow connected, that there was a secret story that would link everything together. He also had the Insiders. These subpersonalities knew the story. They kept the secrets and held the pain. As he went through therapy, they emerged, told their stories, and helped him face the brutal, ongoing sexual abuse by his parents that had made his childhood a nightmare of terror, shame, and pain. Few male survivors of sexual abuse have spoken out to tell their stories. A Man's Recovery from Traumatic Childhood Abuse breaks the silence. Because the author is a trained therapist as well as a survivor, he weaves psychological theory with the biographical material. This unique dual view allows emotional and intellectual comprehension to develop in parallel. A Man's Recovery from Traumatic Childhood Abuse also discusses essential concepts in understanding abuse survivors, including: inflating versus deflating abuse the emotional triangle of fear, sadness, and anger post-traumatic decline attachment disorders repressed, recovered, narrative, and procedural memory somatization dissociation, ego states, and subpersonalities This passionately honest book is a unique resource for therapists, abuse survivors, and the people who love them. You will never forget A Man's Recovery from Traumatic Childhood Abuse or the brave man who dared to tell the truth about sadistic sexual abuse.