Bad Times, Great Markets
Mr. Barnes has 35 years of experience on Wall Street as researcher and trader, with 12 books on quant trading by major publishers ( McGraw Hill, John Wiley, e.g.) The book is for investors in general, people near retirement, and retirees; and details financial steps to take in the face of a weak economy with strong markets. The book is divided into a number of sections: a discussion of what is happening(markets around the world), what caused the mess, and finally what we can do about it. Chapter One details many massive events and functional problems we face. Chapter Two reviews extensively similar market histories, and what they portend. Chapter Three maps out possible scenarios of can occur and a description of a new era. Chapters Four, Five and Six lay out job finding, cost cutting. money placement, and stock market selection and timing for three different groups: working people, near retirement workers, and retirees. A table of worthy stocks to invest in (122) based on the best company analysis criteria ( earnings growth rate), when the time is appropriate ( when to enter the markets), along with four model portfolios (growth, value, conservative, and new era), are presented. A very important capital survival formula is also presented.