Shadows of the Future – Episode II Destiny’s Child
When Amanda Stevenson was fifteen, her parents took her to XUNANTUNICH, an ancient Mayan city. While there, archeologist working at the site unearthed the tomb of the city’s first Mayan leader. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Daniel Stevenson used his influence to allow his daughter to be present at the opening of the tomb. But as fate would have it, within the tomb, two sets of remains were found. Along with the Mayan leader was an alien corpse. Although no one had ever seen a being like this, the alien writings in the tomb matched those Daniel had seen in the ICON star system but hoped never to see again. Years later, on Mars, a drilling company discovers the remains of an underground alien outpost, destroyed thousands of years ago but belonging to the same race of beings as the one found in the Mayan tomb. Finishing her Masters degree in Archeology, Amanda goes to Mars with Archeologist Aston Farlow to uncover the secrets buried in the ancient alien outpost. Meanwhile, on ICON 5, explorers for the United Earth Reconnaissance Organization (UERO) are assigned to map out the planet’s unexplored lands. As they traverse great stretches of mountains, valleys, and thick forests, they discover an identical alien outpost to the one on Mars. This one however, is not so abandoned. Eventually, Amanda discovers a secret so profound that it causes her to question her own existence. Compelled by this knowledge, she returns to ICON to communicate with the alien beings. Beings that have been hiding for thousands of years from a malevolent evil bent on their complete and utter genocide. Beings that have awaited the coming of an ancient prophecy that could mean the difference between their freedom or final extinction. A prophecy thousands of years old imparted to their race by their Grand Oracle. A prophecy on an intercept course with the human race and coming of Amanda Stevenson.