Awaken the Christ Mind
Inside this book is the magnetic key code to the writings of men and women from centuries past, that were inspired by the Ancient of days to write during their time period. Although their time has past, the principles of life remain constant. The translations of the ages has brought confusion to many people in our time, I hope this book will bring a little more clarity. This book will assist your heart in confirming for you the mysteries of life, if you will be as transparent as you can with yourself. Again, we need to understand clearly where we have come from, where we are and where we are going. The first seven chapters are more of the surface level of life; I call them the Body Section. Chapters 8 through 14 are the Soul Section and 15 through 21 the Spirit Section. Enjoy your read, enjoy the journey to the full awakening of living within the mind of Christ! Rob Schreckhise