Sexual Dysfunction, Third Edition
"Highly regarded as a course text and practitioner resource, this book presents concise intervention guidelines for the most frequently encountered sexual dysfunctions in women and men. Following a consistent format, chapters on each clinical problem cover its description, clinical presentation, prevalence, etiology, and biological and psychosocial factors. Illustrative case examples of diverse individuals and couples are included. The authors provide a state-of-the-art framework for conducting comprehensive assessments, weaving multiple data sources into a coherent case formulation, and planning effective treatment that integrates medical and psychosocial strategies. Key Words/Subject Areas: arousal, assessments, couples, desire, diagnosis, disorders, dysfunctions, female, gender, human sexuality, male, marital, men, psychotherapy, sex therapy, sexual health, sexual medicine, treatments, women Audience: Clinicians who work with clients on issues pertaining to sexuality, including clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, clinical social workers, couple and family therapists, mental health and pastoral counselors, and psychiatric nurses. Also of interest to ob/gyns, urologists, and family physicians. "--