Storm in the Rear-View
When writing this book, I assumed that the reader would have already read my first offering, “The Calm Before STORM” which dealt with travels during the first year of our retirement, 2006. If you have not, I suggest you do. Why? Simply, it’s a darn good read. Honestly though, you need not have read “Calm” before this one. “STORM in the Rear-view” will make perfect sense regardless, as I detail our further adventures in the two following years, during which, unknowingly, the GFC and the STORM Financial catastrophe were bearing down upon us. I will take you on a caravan journey right around our beautiful continent of Australia, and our off-shore state, Tasmania, come with us to Johannesburg, South Africa for the birth of our Grandson, climb Mt Kilimanjaro, drive through the Eastern bloc countries of Europe, visit Turkey and Vietnam, along the way catching numerous events of the world’s greatest motor sport, Speedway. You’ll be exhausted but the journey will be well worthwhile. Let’s go!