Handbook of Nonlinear Optics
Examining the fundamental principles and formulations of nonlinear optics (NLO), this comprehensive, single-source reference presents practical formulas for use in a variety of experimental and design situations, current applications of NLO to specific technical problems, the latest device and materials data, and state-of-the-art methods for characterizing new materials - supplying much-needed continuity in nomenclature and the use of physical units. Providing a succinct interpretation of formulas and a conceptual understanding of NLO phenomena, the Handbook of Nonlinear Optics covers key elements of NLO such as frequency conversion, optical parametric oscillators and amplifiers, nonlinear refraction and absorption, and stimulated light scattering... describes experimental techniques for characterizing nonlinear parameters for both second and third order materials... considers common and less well known experimental methods... provides mathematical formulas in SI and cgs (esu) units, as well as conversions between these two systems... avoids unnecessary elaboration of mathematical derivations... details nonlinear optical parameters for a variety of gases, liquids, solutions, suspensions, inorganic and organic solids, and polymers... and more. Furnishing over 900 up-to-date references to the literature and more than 1040 helpful tables, equations, and drawings, the Handbook of Nonlinear Optics is a vital resource for optical, electro-optical, electrical and electronics, mechanical, chemical, and aerospace engineers; optical physicists; materials scientists; physical and organic chemists; metallurgists; research and development personnel in industry, government, and academia; and upper-level undergraduate, graduate, and continuing-education students in these disciplines.