America Betrayed – Why 9/11 Occurred
This book is anti-war, which gives it immense scope. Its front cover shows New York City's Twin Towers less than a month before they disappeared rapidly during 9/11. None of the Bush-Cheney administration's explanations were true, but there were serious Nazi overtones. One of the book's themes is the warlike capture of already occupied land from its current owners. These captures have been substantially similar, involving: massacre, murder and rape; the arson, demolition or confiscation of land and buildings; and deception, hypocrisy and Machiavellian lies. Such captures could be classified as Nazism -- German from 1933 to 1945, but Hebrew over 3000 years ago and Zionist since 1947 against the Palestinians. Terrorism is also discussed, from American to Islamic which, in particular, is Arabs' response to their loss of dignity because of Israeli actions funded by America. That is why the earliest global Islamic terrorism was the hijacking and destruction of American passenger aircraft. Deliberate American provocation generated continuous wars under the Republican, Reagan and Bush administrations, who profited from their immense investments in the manufacture of weapons of mass destruction. This was the fruition of retiring President Eisenhower's worst fear, the growth of a Military-Industrial complex, which became a Political-Military-Industrial-Media complex. The media aspect includes Zionist ownership of most newspapers. President George W Bush was wrong when he called Iraq, Iran and North Korea an axis of evil, because the leaders of those countries had never met together, even for a coffee. Instead, the real axis of evil was, and is, that of America and Israel, for reasons described in this book.