African American Achievement Stamped Through History
Dr. Sullivan and Dr. Patrick have completed the first compendium of African Americans depicted on U.S. Postage stamp from 1940 to 2015. ( Dr. Sullivan started collecting stamps as a child, which encouraged him to become an educator. He was inspired by the work of Booker T, Washington, George Washington Carver, and W. E . B. Du Bois.) The extraordinary and innumerable achievements of African Americans have shaped the story of America by the roles they have played and continue to bestow in the development of this country and the world. Their achievements have enriched all aspects of American society. While African Americans' contributions are often missing from the pages of history, their immense achievements are found in art, music, theatre, invention, military service, education, architecture, literature, science, business, diplomacy, journalism, civil rights, law, sports, scientific discovery, exploration, medicine, agriculture, politics, cinema, and many other areas. A narrative is presented for each individual honored on a stamp, the issue date and the significant social, economic, educational, and cultural roles each individual played in the development of America as the foremost country in the world. Additional achievers are highlighted under each biography whose achievements are stamped in history. The mission of this book is to introduce youth and others to comprehend and apply the ability to overcome obstacles, persist, pursue excellence and follow their dreams through a thirst for education. Dr. George Washington Carver once wrote, "Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom." Through education, our youth can continue the sterling contributions of the gifted African American men and women highlighted in this book. It also encourages individuals to consider stamp collecting as a hobby. Dr. Sullivan and Dr. Patrick believe this book is an important addition to your family's home library and a valuable reference and educational tool in schools throughout the nation.