"You might describe Richard Saul Wurman as a provocateur, a pioneer, a creative genius. Inspirational, innovative, larger-than-life ... legendary, even. Others have. But the most apt description of this singular individual -- this architect, designer, creator of the celebrated TED Conference, and prolific author -- is storyteller. Springing to life from the mind of the world's original information architect is 33: Understanding Change & the Change in Understanding. A book that breaks out of any traditional (dare we say even rational) story-telling framework, 33 invites readers to journey through its pages as they will. A fable re-imagined three decades after its original telling as a conference keynote address, 33 chronicles the adventures and musings of an eccentric (yet oddly familiar) character: the Commissioner of Curiosity and Imagination. This bemused, amused, and roundish imp waddles through the city of What-If in the land of Could-Be, trying to make sense of the myriad changes that have transpired in the past 33 years. The story is presented in an ingenious, multi-layered format -- information upon information, as the Commissioner himself might say -- with the original fable at its core. Surrounding this is an updated tale as presented through 33 episodes and accompanying graphics."--Publisher description.