A Right Conception of Sin
“The power of the atonement does not, through faith, take us to heaven in our sinful condition, but changes our condition from sinfulness to holiness in order that we may be prepared for heaven. “The atonement does not change the nature of sin, but proposes to change the nature at man. It does not take the deadliness out of sin, but takes sin out of man. Therefore we believe the following three facts essential to God’s plan of redemption: “1. Repentance which leads to saving faith is a condition of salvation, and the attitude of repentance—renunciation and hatred of all sin—must be retained if salvation is to be retained. “2. If at any time practice of sin is resumed, or the means of grace carelessly and continually neglected, or faith in Christ as personal Saviour cease to be active, such sin, either of commission or omission, will again separate the soul from God, and if unrepented of, will ultimately cause the loss of all the benefits once known, and the eternal damnation of the soul. “3. The pardon of all sin through faith and repentance, victory over outward sin, and purging of the nature of all sinfulness, in this life, are three privileges made possible by the blood, and constitute the absolute requirements for entrance into heaven.” (Richard S. Taylor) It is of extreme importance that all Christians have a correct conception of sin. Right living and right thinking will come only to the Christian who understands what the New Testament means by sin. Let this become cloudy, or let it become a matter of indifference, and Christianity will have received a grievous hurt.