Miscellaneous Letters Received by John Ridley, 1849-1882
Letters addressed to Ridley but relating to other persons: PRG 1043/9/1 George Fife Angas complaining of an inflamed and ulcerated throat, 24 Dec 1858 PRG 1043/9/2 nd. C.H. Bagot, defining his attitude towards theological controversies and mentioning his limited powers of walking PRG 1043/9/3 Jun 18, 1863. C.H. Bagot, on the need for recognition by colonial legislatures of R.R. Torrens' services with regard to the Real Property Act PRG 1043/9/4 Dec 24, 1873. James Bonwick, on the eve of his departure for Brighton (England) for the sake of his health PRG 1043/9/5 nd. James Bonwick, soliciting monetary assistance in the publishing of his educational works PRG 1043/9/6 Feb 15, 1877. Letter from Samuel Davenport PRG 1043/9/7 Oct 16, 1877. Letter from A.L. Elder PRG 1043/9/8 Dec 1, 1877. Henry Giles, referring to various relatives. With a typewritten endorsement by Ridley PRG 1043/9/9 Mar 16, 1853. Nathaniel Hailes, relative to the manuscript of a work on the gold diggings and his published and unpublished poems PRG 1043/9/10 1856. Letter from Thomas Magarey PRG 1043/9/11 Nov 29, 1877. Thomas Magarey, relative to family affairs, his love of the Bible, etc PRG 1043/9/12 Jul 26, 1881. Thomas Magarey, describing the stump jumping plough and the "mullenizing" of mallee country, and referring to the milling interests of his family and the scientific tastes of his son Alec PRG 1043/9/13 Aug 13, 1881. Thomas Magarey, describing the new method of clearing mallee land with a roller. (Includes typescript transcript) PRG 1043/9/14 Feb 24, 1852. W.H. Maturin, thanking Ridley for the loan of a dray PRG 1043/9/15 Aug 1, 1868 to Jan.7, 1869. Florence Nightingale. Typewritten copies of four letters PRG 1043/9/16 Jun 6, 1849. J. Bond Phipson, appealing for a subscription in support of a clergyman at Glenelg PRG 1043/9/17 Mar 20, 1873. Letter from the Rev. Thomas Playford PRG 1043/9/18 Aug 11, 1873. Letter from the Rev. Thomas Playford PRG 1043/9/19 Nov 11, 1882. William Richard Randell, mentioning his experiences as a Murray river trader, the dry dock built by him at Mannum, and family matters. (Includes a typescript transcript) PRG 1043/9/20 Dec 14, 1874. Thomas Reynolds, relative to conditions in the Northern Territory PRG 1043/9/21 Jun 16, 1876. George Tinline, eulogising the late Matthew Moorhouse PRG 1043/9/22 May 9, 1865. Robert Richard Torrens, sending autobiographical and genealogical notes. 'With type-written copy' PRG 1043/9/23 Nov 16, 1855. G.M. Waterhouse, chaffing Ridley on his scientific tastes and briefly describing a recent Continental tour PRG 1043/9/24 Jun 25, 1856. G.M. Waterhouse, describing economic conditions in South Australia, discussing railway policy, criticising Anthony Forster's Parliamentary conduct, and commenting on the financial success of the 'South Australian Register' PRG 1043/9/25 Nov 28, 1849. Secretary of the South Australian Library and Mechanics' Institute, transmitting a resolution of the Institute Committee censuring Dr Cotter's conduct PRG 1043/9/26 J. McDouall Stuart's visiting card PRG 1043/9/27 Feb 3, 1859. Alex Tolmer, stating his wish to join with J. McD. Stuart in an exploring expedition to the North West coast of Australia. [Not addressed to Ridley].