New material, a new co-author, and a new student friendly uniform chaper organization highlight the second edition of this chapter organization highlight the seconde of of this incisive evidence casebook. Authors Allen, Kuhns, and Swift enliven otherwise abstract concepts as they reveal the foundations of the law and rules of evidence. EVIDENCE: Text, Cases, and Problems, Second Edition, emphasizes two main themes: Analytic approach - First, The authors address each major topic as a problem of relevancy. Then they discuss the evidence policy underlying each rule in terms of its effect on jury reasoning. Diagrams illustrate this approach throughout the book. Contextual approach - Issues of admission and exclusion of evidence are analyzed from the perspectives of the major players in the trial process - advocates, judges, and juries. To increase accessibility and facilitate learning, The Second Edition: opens with a criminal trial transcript which serves as a basis for illustrations and problems throughout the book follows a consistent chapter structure of three sections: Interpretation and Illustration to introduce and apply the rule, Elaboration to analyze the policy and draft questions, and Reflections to offer in-depth analysis and new perspectives offers separate and unique chapters on Presumptions and Burdens of Proof in Civil Cases and Presumptions and Burdens of Proof in Criminal Cases New material includes: significant judicial opinions, such as Daubert v. Dow-Merrill Pharmaceuticals and Tome v. United States new Federal Rules of Evidence 413-415 Rule Amendments and Proposed Revisions to FRE new problems With EVIDENCE: Text, Cases, and Problems, Second Edition, students grasp the pivotal role of the rules of evidence in the adversary system.