One Person Sharpening Another
"One Person Sharpening Another" is Richard W. Nelson's memoir about growing up and working on a family farm, then applying principles he learned there about hard work and relationships for establishing a successful business career and eventually becoming an entrepreneur, building an pioneering, pace-setting company dedicated to helping disabled workers become rehabilitated and successfully restored to the workplace. It's also a story of deep, enduring faith that has served as the foundation for Nelson's personal and professional life, providing a sense of mission that has gone far beyond the realm of profits and losses - providing him with a focus for eternity. Nelson tells about the power of relationships, showing how teachers, employers, colleagues and peers inspired and encouraged him in school and throughout his working career, and how he has strived to focus on relationships throughout his life, desiring to make a positive, life-changing difference in the lives of others. In additional to the biographical nature of his book, the author presents 11 "learning principles" that have helped to shape his life and undergird his approach to life, as well as ministry to others - especially in the business and professional world. In the book of Proverbs, a verse states, "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another," and throughout his life, Nelson has seen and experienced the truth of this adage many times over. As he has personally invested time and energy in others, he has reaped many benefits himself, growing through these relationships. He tells about facing challenges and adversity in life and work, and the strength he has been able to draw from his faith in Jesus Christ, and trust in God's direction and provision for his everyday needs. Nelson's desire in sharing his story is to encourage others, as well as to challenge them in seeking to live out their faith in practical ways, not only personally but also professionally, seeking to honor God in all that they do. Richard Nelson has worked extensively with business leaders, not only with the companies where he has worked and businesses he established, but also through a peer-level ministry focused on addressing the unique needs and challenges of business owners and executives. He understands the challenges of starting and building a business, and also has learned from personal experience the important role that faith in Jesus Christ plays in experiencing a rewarding family life, career, and lay ministry of serving others as friend, advisor and encourager.