Fluid Waves
The book derives the mathematical basis for the most encountered waves in science and engineering. It gives the basis to undertake calculations required for important occupations such as maritime engineering, climate science, urban noise control, and medical diagnostics. The book initiates with fluid dynamics basis with subsequent chapters covering surface gravity waves, sound waves, internal gravity waves and waves in rotating fluids, and details basic phenomena such as refraction. Thereafter, specialized application chapters include description of specific contemporary problems. All concepts are supported by narrative examples, illustrations, and case studies. Features: - Explains the basis of wave mechanics in fluid systems. Provides tools for the analysis of water waves, sound waves, internal gravity, and rotating fluid waves through different examples. Includes comprehensible mathematical derivations at the expense of fewer theoretical topics. Reviews cases describable by linear theory and cases requiring nonlinear and wave-interaction theories. Supports concepts with narrative examples, illustrations, and case studies. This book aims at Senior Undergraduates/Graduate students and Researchers in Fluid Mechanics, Applied Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, and Physical Oceanography.