Out-of-field Teaching and Educational Equality
This report investigated the extent to which students in public secondary schools are taught by teachers without basic qualifications in their assigned teaching fields--i.e., at least a college minor in the fields they teach--focusing on core academic subjects (mathematics, English, social studies, science). Analysis of the study data revealed that many students are taught by out-of-field teachers: 20 percent in English classes, 25 percent in mathematics, 39 percent in life science or biology, 56 percent in physical sciences classes, and over 50 percent in history or world civilization. Low-income schools had higher levels of out-of-field teaching than did more affluent schools; schools serving predominantly minority student populations did not have higher levels of out-of-field teaching than did schools serving predominantly white students. In several fields, students in both low-track and low-achievement-level classes were more often taught by out-of-field teachers than were students in high-track and high-achievement-level classes; however, predominantly minority classes did not have higher levels of out-of-field teaching than did predominantly white classes. Students in seventh and eighth grade classes were more often taught by out-of-field teachers than were senior high students. Data tables are included. Appendix A contains standard errors; Appendix B lists additional resources on the 1990-91 Schools and Staffing Survey, which served as the basis for the study. (Contains 31 references.) (ND)