The Culminators
The Story.......... Ray ‘Coop’ Cooper had been a bounty hunter for two years, but now after losing his partner to a medical condition, he considered putting his guns up since he no longer had a backup. In the midst of his last caper, his life was saved by a woman and a dog. After much haggling, the gal convinced him to take her on as his backup. After several successful capers, Ray saw the need to protect this impish gal called Elle—double E double L. Seeing the need for stability, the Duo purchased a gun-shop and spent time promoting it. Coop came to a realistic awareness that bounty hunting was too dangerous for a family man, and the slow pace of a gun-shop was not his style. It was serendipity when a neighbor convinced them to purchase a 2,500-acre woodlot, set up a state-of-the-are sawmill, get some training, and become millionaires in eight years. After a month of training in Houston, they returned with four friends, and proceeded to set up a sawmill. After growing woes and making changes, the team became proficient. In time they added a kiln, then enlarged it, added a planer, and organized the first known sawmill ‘open house’ to promote and sell their quality products.