All of the Above Ii
A genealogy of Cecil Virgil Cook, Jr (1913-1970) and a history of the ancestry of Cecil Cook, extending backward some four hundred years, through various family lines and surnames. The principal surnames covered include (but are not limited to) COOK, FARMER, DORLAND, GOODE, FLOOD, BONDURANT, JONES, KEINADT (KAINADT, KOINER, KOYNER, COINERT AND COINER), DILLER, DORRIS, IRELAND, FELLOWS, SLAGLE, GRADELESS (GRAYLESS GRAYLEY), VAN ARSDALEN, MOORE, COTTON, CHENEY, CARMEAN (CREMEEN), CHEATHAM, HAWKINS, CROCKETT (CROSKETAGNE), DE SAIX, VAN METER (VAN METEREN), BODINE, DUBOIS, RENTFRO. The individuals represented by these surnames are placed in their context, with attention paid to events in which they played a part (the settlement of the earliest colonies, Indian Wars, the American Revolutionay War and Civil War, slavery and Reconstruction). Connections are also traced in Europe, primarily in England and France, in the 15th and 16th centuries.