Mechanical Ventilation E-Book
With cutting-edge and clinically relevant information, MECHANICAL VENTILATION, 2nd Edition takes a practical, clinical approach to the principles and practice of mechanical ventilation. This informative resource explains mechanical ventilation decisions and procedures in real-world terms so information is easy to understand and apply. This thoroughly updated edition includes one new chapter, four completely updated chapters, and a wealth of new user-friendly features. - Detailed, clinically focused coverage of the application of mechanical ventilation to the most common respiratory diseases, provides practical answers to real life problems. - UNIQUE! Sections of chapters on Special Techniques and Future Therapies include information on the newest techniques for treating patients in respiratory distress. - A separate appendix of case studies helps you apply what you've learned to realistic situations. - Well-known and respected authors, Neil MacIntyre and Rich Branson, share their vast expertise and accurate, cutting-edge information. - Chapter Objectives, Key Point Summaries, and Assessment Questions reinforce basic concepts from each chapter. - New chapter on Unique Patient Populations highlights the mechanical ventilation issues of traumatic brain injury, neuromuscular disease, lung transplantation, burn injury, and perioperative patient populations. - Expanded glossary includes relevant terminology and key terms to help you easily find unfamiliar terminology.