Everything Connects
Richard H. Popkin has already been celebrated in two Festschriften as one of the century's greatest historians of philosophy.This latest book, whose editors were among those who prepared the first two volumes, centers on Popkin's crucial role in bringing together scholars from around the world in a long series of academic conferences and learned meetings which helped transform the field from one of solitary endeavour into a 'Republic of Letters'.Publications by Richard H. Popkin: Isaac la Peyrère (1596-1676): His Life, Work and Influence, ISBN: 978 90 04 08157 4 Edited by Y. Kaplan, H. Méchoulan and R.H. Popkin, Menasseh ben Israel and his World, ISBN: 978 90 04 09114 6 Third Force in Seventeenth-Century Thought, ISBN: 978 90 04 09324 9 Martin I.J. Griffin Jr. Annotated by Richard H. Popkin. Edited by Lila Freedman, Latitudinarianism in the Seventeenth-Century Church of England, ISBN: 978 90 04 09653 0 Edited by Richard H. Popkin and Arjo Vanderjagt, Scepticism and Irreligion in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, ISBN: 978 90 04 09596 0 Edited by Martin Mulsow and Richard H. Popkin, Latitudinarianism in the Seventeenth-Century Church of England, ISBN: 978 90 04 12883 5 Edited by R.H. Popkin, Millenarianism and Messianism in English Literature and Thought 1650-1800, ISBN: 978 90 04 08513 8 (Out of print)