The Perish Of Dreams
"The Perish of dreams" - "Heroes are not born, they are made" but what if it's both? What if a hero is born without that knowledge and grows up to be sort of a villain until something happens that pushes him to the right path, that shows him what he's always been? Johnathan Christopher Moroz was born a hero, his family's lineage proves it, he's meant to do great things but life skewed. Johnny became a gambler, addicted to the rush that devious world provides. Consuming everything and everyone around him. With his life on the balance, Johnny gets an unusual break. An inheritance has been dropped on his lap. His uncle Christopher Leon Niclaus passed away and has left him a huge fortune, but to get it he needs to perform five tasks. Tasks that will shake his existence in such a way, that his life will change forever, and his true nature will be revealed. These tasks involve fulfilling Children's dreams, changing their destinies, giving them a second chance at life. Accompanied by a team of experts known as the "Special Commando", he sets out on these missions, risking his life, each more daring, more complicated, more demanding. He travels around the world, to the most dangerous places on earth, transforming not only those children's lives, but the destiny of entire families and communities, discovering his own along the way. Becoming a hero, the man he never thought he would be, the one he was born to be. "The Perish of Dreams" is a fantastic adventure, one that should be repeated time and time again in every corner of our world, in the age we live in, in a day like today. Recreating that sense of peace, of joy, of compassion, of humility, of brotherhood, of love that we only have around the holidays, that we package and give out every Christmas. When humanity vows to something greater, better. A time when everything is possible, when we can surely say that we raise above, a time in which we can abolish the perish of dreams.