Igniting a Culture of Multiplication
Igniting a culture of Multiplication is much more than a book. It is a spark! Why? Because this book, like a single spark, has the potential to ignite a fire that could become a flame, and ultimately a burning inferno. I believe God placed this book in front of you to light a fire within your soul. I am convinced that if church leaders will read and apply the contents of this book it will inflame a blazing fire of revival in the European church.- Dave Ferguson, award-winning author, president of Exponential US and Board member of Exponential Europe. Exponential is a community with a cause, and our vision is to see reproduction and multiplication become the norm in the language and behaviour of the church of Europe. Culture can be defined as spontaneous repeated patterns of behaviour. Culture is shaped from the passion in your heart and the conviction in your mind. What we value becomes what we prioritise, and what we prioritise becomes our story and our language and is visible through our behaviour.Through this book we want to inspire and challenge you to ask yourself questions about multiplication. Our prayer is that multiplication will become the norm in the language and behaviour of the church of Europe. - Øivind Augland, visionary leader and President of Exponential Europe