Why Polly
Another chilly morning, dampness in the air, mosquito’s buzzing around, cold air blowing through a broken window, bright sunlight shining into the room, aching limbs, bruises on top of bruises, a wet bed she laid on, stained ceiling, old wallpaper falling off the walls, broken wardrobe, broken cupboards, dirty smelling pillow, old bed sheets that were covered in stains and other nasty stuff, cockroaches on the floor, Bad drugs smell hung around in the air, people shouting outside and inside as always, a knock on the door that woke her up again. Polly opened her painful eyes with effort, She turned over in pain, Tried to reach for the water bottle that was on the side cupboard next to the bed she laid on, her hand was shaking, The water bottle fell over, She laid there feeling not too sure what she as feeling. A knock on her door she heard, The door opened with a creaking noise, 4 A large man stood there smiling and nodding his head, He wore a pair of dirty shorts and that was that, Standing there with his hands on his hips, the dirty smile he had on his face, It wasn’t the first time he had come into Polly’s room, But it was to be the last time! The large man laughed out loud, he stood there smoking a cigar, he sniffed something that was on his hand and shook his head, His eyes were glazed over and he was sweating, The smell from him drifted towards Polly, she led there on the bed quiet and stared at him, He put his finger to his lips and nodded to her, Polly stayed quiet as she was supposed to do, expected to, ordered to and some more. “try be a good girl this time and I might not be too tough on you pretty Polly eh” the large man growled! He came into the room and shut the door behind him, Polly laid there just staring at him, 5 Her hand was under the pillow that was next to her, The big man came closer, his hand was down the front of the shorts he was wearing, he smiled and chuckled to himself, “we try something different tonight yes, you and me all night long little lady” he slurred, He dropped his shorts down and stood there, the big man pointed to his groin area and winked to Polly, Polly winked back to him, “when I say no I mean no Mr” she told him The big man came forward aggressively, A loud noise from a gun rattled the room! Polly watched the big man hold his chest and fall backwards, he slumped to the floor for ever, She looked at the handgun she was holding in her hand, the gun smoked from the end of it, Polly put the gun back under the pillow and started to whistle some nursery rhyme, Polly carried on whistling her favourite rhyme, Nursery rhyme, Polly put the kettle on, Polly put the kettle on, Polly put the kettle on, they all fall-down.