Matters of Life and Death
Dr. Reinder Bruinsma doggedly pursues answers to the great ethical and moral dilemmas of our day in Matters of Life and Death. Is war ever definsible? Is capitol punishment ever justified? Is Abortion always an abomination? These and other controversial, yet intensely real, questions ate thoughtfully addressed by Bruinsma from a decidedly Adventist-Christian viewpoint. Your convictions may be challenged. Your preconceived ideas tested. Butbe warned. If you are looking for the official position of the church on these issues, or an exhaustive scientific or philosophical treatise, you'll be disappointed. If, However, you want a biblical dicussion about how our beliefs must prepate us to handle matters of life and death, this book will provide facinating reading and cause you to prayerfully wrestle through the issues the Bible writers never had to face. - Preface. Chapter One: Life - when Does It Begin and when Does It End? What is life? What is death? How to make moral decisions. A Christian view. A suggested approach. The role of the Bible . The writings of Ellen G. White. Church statements. Conscience. Chapter Two: In the Beginning ... God. Science or religion? Science and religion? What do evolutionists say? What do creationist say? The biblical record. The roots of Adventist doctrine. Implications. Chapter Three: Modifying Life - Playing God or Benefiting Humanity? Boon or bane? What is genetic engineering? Is opposition justified? Dangers. Health and environmental risks. Is it in our genes? "My brain made me do it". Good or bad? Transplanting organs. Chapter Four: Is Abortion Always Wrong? The risk of being a fetus. What are we talking about? Life and/ or person? "Thou shalt not kill". Basic biblical principles. What does Ellen White say? The Church speaks. Conclusion. Chapter Five: How Good can a "Good Death" Be. Euthanasia in past and present. The Adventist Church speaks on euthanasia. Active versus passive. Quality of life. The right to die. A slippery slope? Suicide. Is suicide sin? Sacrifice and martyrdom. Physician-assisted suicide. A good death is preceded by a good life. Chapter Six: Sharing Life. God saw: "It was good". Contraception. Are all methods OK? Fertility treatments. At any price? Chapter seven: The Quality of Life. There is more to life than health. What is"health"? A health message. Biblical guidelines. What we eat and drink, etc. Should we all be vegetatians? When sickness strikes. Living with others. Equality of quality. Chapter Eight: Ending the Lives of Others. Christian views of war. What do Adventists say? The biblical perspective. Kingdon values. Death penalty. The Bible and capital punishment. So, what do we conclude? Chapter Nine: Animal Life. Does it matter? Moral status. Causing pain. Chapter Ten: Life After Death. An indestructible desire. Beyond death. When Christ comes. For all? God takes us seriously. Eternal gnashing of teeth. Forever safe. Chapter Eleven: Facing Death. The reality of death. Facing death in a Christian way. Being prepared - 1. Being prepared - 2. Life before death. Chapter Twelve: Life - To the Full. A value-driven life an abundant life. Living one day at a time. A victorious life. Life in Christ