Neutrosophic discrete geometric distribution
Uncertainty, vagueness, and ambiguity surround us in many real-life problems and, therefore, always remain under consideration for researchers to quantify them. This study proposed neutrosophic discrete probability distribution as a generalization of classical or existing probability distributions, named neutrosophic geometric distribution. Case studies presented in the paper will help understand the concept and application of the proposed distribution. Several properties are derived, like the proposed distribution’s moment, characteristic, and probability-generating functions. Furthermore, the newly proposed distribution derives properties from the reliability analysis, such as survival function, hazard rate function, reversed hazard rate function, cumulative hazard rate function, mills ratio, and odds ratio. In addition, order statistics for NGD, including wth, the largest, and the smallest order statistics, are also derived from joint, median, minimum, and maximum order statistics. This examination opens the path for managing issues that follow traditional conveyances and simultaneously contain information that is not determined precisely.