Seymour/Carraher's Polymer Chemistry, Seventh Edition
Updated to reflect a growing focus on green chemistry in the scientific community and in compliance with the American Chemical Societye(tm)s Committee on Professional Training guidelines, Carrahere(tm)s Polymer Chemistry, Eighth Edition integrates the core areas that contribute to the growth of polymer science. It supplies the basic understanding of polymers essential to the training of science, biomedical, and engineering students. New in the Eighth Edition: Updating of analytical, physical, and special characterization techniques Increased emphasis on carbon nanotubes, tapes and glues, butyl rubber, polystyrene, polypropylene, polyethylene, poly(ethylene glycols), shear-thickening fluids, photo-chemistry and photophysics, dental materials, and aramids New sections on copolymers, including fluoroelastomers, nitrile rubbers, acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene terpolymers, and EPDM rubber New units on spliceosomes, asphalt, and fly ash and aluminosilicates Larger focus on the molecular behavior of materials, including nano-scale behavior, nanotechnology, and nanomaterials Continuing to provide a user-friendly approach to the world of polymeric materials, the book allows students to integrate their chemical knowledge and establish a connection between fundamental and applied chemical information. It contains all of the elements of an introductory text with synthesis, property, application, and characterization. Special sections in each chapter contain definitions, learning objectives, questions, and additional reading, with case studies woven into the text fabric. Symbols, trade names, websites, and other useful ancillaries appear in the appendices to supplement the text.