Fracture Mechanics: Advances in Research and Applications
Discover the cutting-edge insights and innovative applications shaping the field of fracture mechanics in this comprehensive volume. Fracture Mechanics: Advances in Research and Applications includes fifteen chapters, each offering a unique perspective on this critical area of mechanical engineering. This book navigates through an array of relevant topics, from three-dimensional stress singularity analysis in bi-crystals to the effects of stress on precipitation growth in solid-state devices. It delves into bolted connections in timber, the behaviour of carbon-epoxy laminates under adverse conditions, and the determination of residual stresses in thin cylindrical vessels weakened by finite line cracks. The reader will also find a deep exploration of fatigue in mechanical systems, seismic base isolation techniques, and technological solutions for safeguarding buildings from seismic damages. With contributions from leading experts, this book offers a comprehensive overview of the latest research and applications in fracture mechanics. Whether the reader is a seasoned professional or a student in mechanical engineering, this book is an invaluable resource for advancing the understanding of this crucial field and for staying at the forefront of fracture mechanics research and applications.