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Pediatrics Morning Report
Pediatrics Morning Report
Pediatrics Morning Report: Beyond the Pearls is a case-based reference that covers the key material included on the USMLE Step 2 and Step 3, as well as the pediatric clerkship. Focusing on the practical information you need to know, it teaches how to analyze a clinical vignette in the style of a morning report conference, sharpening your clinical decision-making skills and helping you formulate an evidence-based approach to realistic patient scenarios. - Each case has been carefully chosen and covers scenarios and questions frequently encountered on the Pediatrics boards, shelf exams, and clinical practice, integrating both basic science and clinical pearls. - "Beyond the Pearls" tips and secrets (all evidence-based with references) provide deep coverage of core material. - "Morning Report"/"Grand Rounds" format begins with the chief complaints to the labs, relevant images, and includes a "pearl" at the end of the case. Questions are placed throughout the case to mimic practical decision making both in the hospital and on the board exam. - Written and edited by experienced teachers and clinicians; each case has been reviewed by board certified attending/practicing physicians.
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Pediatrics Morning Report
Pediatrics Morning Report
Pediatrics Morning Report: Beyond the Pearls is a case-based reference that covers the key material included on the USMLE Step 2 and Step 3, as well as the pediatric clerkship. Focusing on the practical information you need to know, it teaches how to analyze a clinical vignette in the style of a morning report conference, sharpening your clinical decision-making skills and helping you formulate an evidence-based approach to realistic patient scenarios. - Each case has been carefully chosen and covers scenarios and questions frequently encountered on the Pediatrics boards, shelf exams, and clinical practice, integrating both basic science and clinical pearls. - "Beyond the Pearls" tips and secrets (all evidence-based with references) provide deep coverage of core material. - "Morning Report"/"Grand Rounds" format begins with the chief complaints to the labs, relevant images, and includes a "pearl" at the end of the case. Questions are placed throughout the case to mimic practical decision making both in the hospital and on the board exam. - Written and edited by experienced teachers and clinicians; each case has been reviewed by board certified attending/practicing physicians.
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Principles and Practice of Gynecologic Oncology
Principles and Practice of Gynecologic Oncology
Today, multidisciplinary approaches to treatment are at the heart of cancer care. They offer improved clinical outcomes, new possibilities in patient quality of life, and enable the development of true innovation in individualized treatment. To accurately reflect this modern day approach to cancer care, the content of the 6th edition of Principles and Practice of Gynecologic Oncology was written entirely by surgeons, medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, and pathologists. New to the editorial team, Dr. Andrew Berchuck has made significant contributions to the understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of ovarian and endometrial cancer in the book’s content. Every chapter of this book has been either completely rewritten or extensively updated to ensure that everyone involved in treating women with gynecologic cancer will have the most comprehensive and up-to-date information on the subject.
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Eckert Animal Physiology
Eckert Animal Physiology
This classic animal physiology text focuses on comparative examples that illustrate the general principles of physiology at all levels of organisation—from molecular mechanisms to regulated physiological systems to whole organisms in their environment. This textbook is an authoritative and complete guide to the field of animal physiology which uses a threefold approach to teaching. The Comparative Approach emphasises basic mechanisms but allows patterns of physiological function in different species to demonstrate how evolution creates diversity. This approach encourages students to appreciate the underlying principles that govern physiological systems. The Experimental Emphasis helps students to understand the process of scientific discovery and shows how our knowledge of physiology continually increases and finally the Integrative Approach presents information about specific physiological systems at all levels of organisation, from molecular interactions to interactions between an organism and its environment.n included.
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Qué pasaría si... 2
Qué pasaría si... 2
EL AUTOR BESTSELLER DE THE NEW YORK TIMES, DE ¿QUÉ PASARÍA SI...? Y EL EXPLICADOR DE COSAS, DA RESPUESTA A MÁS PREGUNTAS EXTRAÑAS QUE NUNCA IMAGINASTE HACER. Los millones de lectores en todo el mundo que amaron ¿Qué pasaría si...? todavía tienen preguntas y estas se están volviendo más extrañas. Por fortuna, Randall Munroe, el creador de xkcd, está aquí para ayudar. ¿Planeas hacer un viaje desde la Luna de regreso a la Tierra sobre un mástil de fuego? La parte más difícil es el aterrizaje. ¿Quieres enfriar el ambiente abriendo las puertas de todos los congeladores del mundo al mismo tiempo? Tal vez sea hora de una breve introducción a la termodinámica. ¿Quieres saber qué pasaría si montaras el aspa de un helicóptero, construyeras un edificio de mil millones de pisos, hicieras una lámpara de lava con lava o saltaras sobre un géiser mientras hace erupción? Está bien, si aún insistes. Antes de emprender un viaje cósmico por carretera, alimentar a los residentes de Nueva York con un tiranosaurio rex o llenar cada iglesia con plátanos, asegúrate de estudiar esta guía práctica para obtener ideas nada prácticas. Sin inmutarse por lo absurdo, Munroe consulta las últimas investigaciones sobre todo, desde la física de los columpios hasta el diseño de catapultas de aviones, para responder a las extrañas preguntas de sus lectores, de manera clara y concisa, con ilustraciones esclarecedoras y en ocasiones también aterradoras. Tal y como lo demuestra, se puede aprender muchísimo al examinar cómo podría funcionar el mundo en circunstancias extremas muy específicas.
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Wnt Signaling in Development and Disease
Wnt Signaling in Development and Disease
Wnt signaling in Development and Disease: Molecular Mechanisms and Biological Functions reviews the core topics in Wnt signaling, from molecular pathway mechanisms to its role in embryogenesis, adult tissue homeostasis, and chronic disease. Written by a team of expert reviewers, the book provides clear and concise coverage of the core foundations of Wnt signaling before advancing to discussion of cutting-edge scientific research. Focused on the biological insights and current scientific questions of Wnt signaling, this book will be a comprehensive and definitive resource for a wide range of researchers and students in cell signaling, cell physiology, developmental biology, and biomedical engineering, as well as anyone interested in learning more about this important and complex protein network. • A definitive source of information on Wnt signaling and its role in development and disease, written by leaders in the field. • Explores the role of Wnt signaling in chronic disease such as melanoma, colorectal cancer, dementia, and psychiatric diseases • Reviews the complex processes of signal integration and regulation • Features broad discussion of Wnt signaling biology as well as detailed discussion of the pathway’s role in diseases and potential clinical applications.
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Sarcoma Oncology
Sarcoma Oncology
Sarcoma Oncology: A Multidisciplinary Approach is a comprehensive textbook that addresses the entire spectrum of the subject from epidemiology to laboratory research in the biology of sarcomas. Chapters contributed by an international group of highly regarded specialists cover the epidemiology and pathology of sarcomas; diagnostic imaging and biopsy techniques; staging and prognosis: surgery of sarcomas in extremity soft tissue, abdominal wall and trunk, and skeletal bone; hyperthermia in sarcoma treatment; isolated limb perfusion; surgery for metastases; reconstructive surgery; radiation therapy; systemic chemotherapy; multidisciplinary care; treatment-induced sarcoma; pain management in sarcoma; and basic research including molecular biology and mouse models.
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Pain Management in the Postpartum Period, An Issue of Clinics in Perinatology
Pain Management in the Postpartum Period, An Issue of Clinics in Perinatology
This issue of Clinics in Perinatology will carry the reader through the perinatal period and examine pain management throughout that continuum. Beginning with the genetics of obstetrical pain and opioid use in pregnancy, the discussion moves to the provision of anesthesia to the mother and fetus during fetal surgery - an area of intense concern and interest in many centers. There is an extensive discussion of both pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic management of pain during delivery. A discussion of regional anesthetic techniques is increasingly relevant in light of increasing evidence of adverse neurodevelopmental consequences of fetal exposure to general anesthetics and sedatives. Pain, its implications and management, are extensively covered including discussions of how to assess neonatal pain and how best to provide sedation and non-pharmacologic pain management, systemic pharmacologic, or regional techniques. Of particular interest are the reviews of the potential neurodevelopmental impact of both the treatment and the failure to adequately treat pain in the newborn. This topic is receiving an enormous amount of attention from all those who care for children as well as government and the media.
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Epidemiology of Chronic Disease: Global Perspectives
Epidemiology of Chronic Disease: Global Perspectives
Epidemiology of Chronic Disease: Global Perspectives is the most current and authoritative resource on the epidemiology, etiology, pathogenesis, risk factors and preventive factors of over 50 major chronic diseases and conditions. This comprehensive text provides readers with an excellent basis for examining current hypotheses regarding chronic disease epidemiology.
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