Nectar #14
The universality of world religions is certainly a subject of interest in these engaging and pivotal times, and one that is treated multi-dimensionally in this issue of Nectar. Nectar of Nondual Truth has, for three years, attempted to present this principle by offering articles from writers and practitioners who are deeply ensconced in and in love with their chosen path and ideal, and can therefore express the one indivisible Truth via their own deeply cherished stream of Wisdom. This is crucial — the practice of one tradition until realization through that single pathway has been achieved — in order to avoid confusion, contradiction, misperception and the surface understanding that usually accompanies a mere eclectic point of view devoid of penetrating and longevitous spiritual practice. The well-guided expansion of the limited human mind is likened to raising a family, wherein different children must each be given special attention based upon comprehension of their differing needs, capacities, and temperaments. But before all this is attempted, the first-born must be attended to, and then all the resultant growth in terms of challenges, mistakes, successes and valuable insights into child-rearing can thus be applied to the raising of those who come after. Wherever the first-born is neglected, or followed too soon by other siblings, thus falling into the background of the overburdened parent’s full attention, malnutrition on several levels occurs, and the valuable developmental stages of early growth are stripped of their power and purpose, resulting in a stunted condition — a life shorn of its fullest possibilities and potentials. This unfortunate outcome in the individual family unit is mirrored by the undernourished spiritual life of contemporary living beings in general, due not only to their own debilitating complacency around purificatory practices, but also due to their lack of appreciation, their ambivalence, and even their hostility towards the sacred traditions of the world — religions adhered to by the same-selfed brothers and sisters of the multifarious but inseparable family of mankind. On the other hand, after sincere and one-pointed commitment to Truth is attained, followed up by a firm dedication to one’s path, a sedulous practice, and an unswerving devotion to God and Guru — all constantly cultivated — the onset of spiritual maturation will occur as a matter of course.