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Alien Citizens
Alien Citizens
How does international context influence state policies toward religious minorities? Using parliamentary proceedings, court decisions, newspaper archives, and interviews, this book is the first systematic study that employs international context in the study of state policies toward religion, and that compares Turkey and France with regard to religious minorities. Comparing Christians in Turkey and Muslims in France, this book argues that policy change toward minorities becomes possible when strong domestic actors find a suitable international context that can help them execute their policy agendas. The Turkish Islamists used the European Union to transform the Turkish politics that brought a reformist moment for Christians in the 2000s. The Far Right in France utilized the rise of Islamophobia in Europe to adopt restrictive policies toward Muslims. Ramazan Kılınç argues that the presence of an international context that can favor particular groups over others, shifts the domestic balance of power, and makes some policies more likely to be implemented than others.
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Generating Generosity in Catholicism and Islam
Generating Generosity in Catholicism and Islam
Using an innovative methodological approach combining field experiments, case studies, and statistical analyzes, this book explores how the religious beliefs and institutions of Catholics and Muslims prompt them to be generous with their time and resources. Drawing upon research involving more than 1,000 Catholics and Muslims in France, Ireland, Italy, and Turkey, the authors examine Catholicism and Islam in majority and minority contexts, discerning the specific factors that lead adherents to help others and contribute to social welfare projects. Based on theories from political science, economics, religious studies and social psychology, this approach uncovers the causal connections between religious community dynamics, religious beliefs and institutions, and socio-political contexts in promoting or hindering the generosity of Muslims and Catholics. The study also provides insight into what different religious beliefs mean to Muslims and Catholics, and how they understand those concepts.
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Political Economy of Taxation
Political Economy of Taxation
International Conference of Political Economy (ICOPEC), takes as a goal to identify and analyze the status of its age, held its first conference with the theme "International Political Economy: Adam Smith Today " in 2009. Following the ICOPEC conference, JOPEC Publication started to be published in 2010. JOPEC Publication aims at searching required alternatives, in addition to existing alternatives, with a critical approach, has been the main supporter of ICOPEC conference by including the studies in this context. In 2016, ICOPEC conferences were turned into a conference series with its 7th conference and the main theme of the 7th conference was determined as “State, Economic Policy, Taxation and Development". JOPEC Publication has undertaken to publish the papers, presented at this conference in English and Turkish, as an e-book. e realization of understanding like increasing "social welfare" by meeting public requirements requires benefiting widely from tax policies. Since taxes are mandatory payments from individuals and institutions to the State, they inevitably affect the overall economy. e expected role from tax policy is to affect positively the overall economy in parallel with the sated objectives of government since the regulations in taxation field affect, both negatively and positively, financial, economic, social and political areas. is editorial book includes a lot of topics that tax policy both affects and affect tax policy.
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Karşılaştırmalı Sağlık Sistemleri
Karşılaştırmalı Sağlık Sistemleri
Bir ülkenin kendi sağlık sistemini diğer ülkeler ile karşılaştırmasının uluslararası veri ve bilgilerin paylaşılması, yenilik ve gelişmelerden haberdar olma ve gerektiğinde tedbirler alma gibi birtakım avantajlar sağlayacağı açıktır. Ayrıca dünyadaki diğer ülkelerin sağlık sistemleri hakkında bilgi sahibi olması ve kendi sağlık sistemi ile kıyaslaması, performanslarını değerlendirmesi, o ülkenin; sağlık politikalarını daha çağdaş bir biçimde belirlemesini ve uygulamasını da sağlayacaktır. 82 ülkenin sağlık sistemlerini inceleyen bu kitap, 41 farklı üniversiteden toplam 71 akademisyen tarafından hazırlanmıştır. Ülkelerin sağlık sistemleri, ülke hakkında genel bilgiler, sağlık hizmetlerinin örgütlenmesi ve sunumu sağlık hizmetlerinin finansmanı, sağlık harcamaları ve sağlık ekonomisi, sağlık işgücü, istihdam politikaları, ilaç ve sağlık teknolojileri altyapıları ve temel sağlık göstergeleri başlıkları altında incelenmiştir. Kitap, yedi kısım ve 85 bölümden oluşmaktadır. Birinci kısımda; Sağlık Sistemlerine Giriş, Küresel Sağlık ve Uluslararası Sağlık Kuruluşlarının Rolü, Karşılaştırmalı Küresel Zorluklar ve Fırsatlar bölümleri yer almıştır. İkinci kısımda Afrika bölgesi ülkeleri, üçüncü kısımda Amerika bölgesi, dördüncü kısımda Güneydoğu Asya bölgesi, beşinci kısımda Avrupa, altıncı kısımda Orta Doğu bölgesi, yedinci kısımda Batı Pasifik bölgesi ülkeleri sağlık sistemleri açıklanmıştır. Sağlık yönetimi bölümü öğrencileri, sağlık planlamacıları ve sağlık politikacıları açısından yararlı ve önemli bir kaynak olacağını düşündüğümüz kitabın, tüm paydaşlara yararlı olması dileğiyle...
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Sağlık Politikası
Sağlık Politikası
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Siyer Araştırmaları Dergisi Sayı:8 / Temmuz-Aralık 2020 (Siyer Yayınları)
Siyer Araştırmaları Dergisi Sayı:8 / Temmuz-Aralık 2020 (Siyer Yayınları)
Dünyaca garip bir zaman diliminden geçiyoruz. Herbirimiz, planladıklarından bambaşka günler yaşadığı bir yılın yarısından fazlasını geride bıraktık. Koronavirüs, ne yazık ki yaşattığı yüzbinlerce can kaybıyla birlikte bulaştığı tüm ülkelerin sağlığından ekonomisine, sosyal hayatından alışkanlıklarına kadar hemen her şeyikasıp kavurmaya devam ediyor. Bizim gibi her gün başka bir sorunla cedelleşmek zorunda kalan coğrafyamızda, henüz “normal” olanı tanımadan, hiç beklenmedik bir anda hayatımıza giren yeni kavramlardan biriyletanışıyoruz:“Yeni normal”... Sağlığın “en büyük nimet ve devlet”oluşu, bu “yeni normal”in vaz geçilmez mottosu olacak gibi. Bu nedenle, henüz koronalı günlerin başlarında yayın kurulumuz olarak, dergimizin bu yeni sayısınındosya konusunu “Hz. Peygamber ve Sağlık” olarak seçtik. İnşallah dergimiz bundan böyle de sürpriz konularla karşınıza çıkacak. Hep birlikte yaşadığımız bu zor ve sıkıntılı sürece rağmen, dergimizin sekizinci sayısını sizlere zamanında ulaştırabilmenin huzurunu ve mutluluğunu yaşıyoruz. Bu sıkıntılı süreçte ilmî ve akademik faaliyetlerine ara vermeden göz nuru çalışmaları ile dergimize zenginlik katan kıymetli yazarlarımız; Prof. Dr. Adil Yavuz, Prof. Dr. İbrahim Kutluay, Prof. Dr. KâsımŞulul, Prof. Dr. Nurettin Gemici, Prof. Dr. Saffet Köse, Prof. Dr. İsmail Hakkı Ünal,Doç. Dr. Veli Aba, Öğr. Gör. Hüseyin el-Mhemıt, Öğr. Gör. Halil İ. Önder, M. Talha Kılıç, Ramazan Akın ve Semih Özdemir’e en samimi duygularımla şükranlarımı sunuyorum. Ayrıca bu sayıda hakemlik görevini büyük bir özveriyle yerine getiren hocalarımıza,yardımlarında mesâi mefhumu tanımayan Ali’ye, Kürşat’a ve Mesher’e, desteklerinden dolayı Siyer Vakfı’nın saygıdeğer yönetici ve çalışanlarına ayrı ayrı teşekkür ediyorum. Siz kıymetli okuyucularımızın dergimize olan bâkî ilgisi ve muhabbeti ise her türlü takdirin üzerinde, sağ olun, var olun. Dokuzuncu sayımızda yeniden görüşmek ümidiyle. Sağlıcakla kalın!.. . . . Tıbb-ı Nebevî Hadislerinin Kaynakları ve Kapsamı Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme Prof. Dr. Adil YAVUZ Şîa’da İmamlara Atfedilen Tıbbın Kaynakları ve Sünnî Anlayışla Mukayesesi Prof. Dr. İbrahim KUTLUAY Tıbb-ı Nebevî Rivâyetleri Hakkında Bazı Yaklaşımlar (Sûfiler ve Şîa Özelinde) Doç. Dr. Veli ABA Makdisî’nin Kitâbu’l-Emrâz’ı Özelinde Hz. Peygamber’in Hastalıklara Bakışı Yüksek Lisans Öğrencisi M. Talha KILIÇ İslâm Tarihi Boyunca Görülen Salgın Hastalıklar ve Alınan Önlemler Öğr. Gör. Hüseyin el-MHEMİT Horasan ve Mâverâünnehir’le Münasebeti Bulunan Sahabîler Prof. Dr. Kasım ŞULUL Aşkî Mustafa Efendi’nin Medine Tarihine Dâir Birtakım Yeni Bulgular Prof. Dr. Nurettin GEMİCİ / Arş. Gör. Ömer Faruk CAN Siyer Yazıcılığında İbn İshâk’ın Sîre’si Özelinde Rivayet Nakli ve Aidiyeti Sorunu İslam Tarihi Uzmanı Ramazan AKIN Tıbb-ı Nebevî’nin Güncel Değeri Prof. Dr. İsmail Hakkı ÜNAL Hz. Peygamber (sas) ve Sağlık Prof. Dr. Saffet KÖSE İbn Fâris’in Evcezü’s-siyer’i Yüksek Lisans Öğrencisi Semih ÖZDEMİR Nur Ahmet KURBAN, Türkistan Coğrafyasında Çağdaş Dönem Kur’ân Çalışmaları Öğr. Gör. Halil İ. ÖNDER
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Insight Turkey / Fall 2024 - Türkiye's New Realms
Insight Turkey / Fall 2024 - Türkiye's New Realms
As 2024 concludes, it stands as a culmination of the seismic shifts and tensions that have tested the very foundations of the international system. Amid unprecedented developments, Türkiye reaffirmed its role as an established and prominent player, embodying a foreign policy that is multilayered, multiaxial, and multidimensional, even as the international system was constantly tested. At its core, Türkiye’s foreign policy approach is humanitarian, earning it the reputation of being the guardian of the vulnerable and the protector of the voiceless. Beyond the ongoing genocide in Gaza, the international system witnessed defining moments such as the abrupt death of Iran’s top officials in a helicopter crash and the fall of Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria. The re-election of Donald Trump as President of the United States further underscored the year’s unpredictability. Additionally, elections in approximately 70 countries, encompassing half the world’s population, saw incumbent parties faltering under public dissatisfaction with economic disruptions and the lingering effects of the pandemic, paving the way for far-right populist movements. The return of Trump signaled a marked shift in U.S. foreign policy. His expected “America First! 2.0” protectionist stance and tax cuts raised concerns about the future of multilateralism and global trade, leaving European countries bracing for potential economic ramifications. Meanwhile, the ousting of Assad, after decades of autocratic rule marked by atrocities committed against civilians, signaled the end of an era and the beginning of a new dawn for Syria, one fraught with both challenges and opportunities for the nation’s future. Nonetheless, on a broader scale, global instability defined the year 2024. In Europe, domestic crises resulted in governmental collapses in Germany and France, while South Korea experienced significant political turmoil following a failed attempt to impose martial law. The ongoing war in Ukraine and the genocide in Gaza further strained the international system, exposing the fragility of democratic institutions and the continued erosion of multilateral norms. These profound challenges underscore the pressing need for a reimagined and resilient global governance framework capable of addressing the complexities of an increasingly volatile World. As it has always been a pivotal actor in promoting regional stability and peace, Türkiye continued to assume a leading role in efforts to stabilize the region. With Assad’s regime toppled, Ankara positioned itself as a key player in Syria’s reconstruction including plans to provide electricity and collaborate on hydrocarbon projects, signaling Türkiye’s intent to integrate Syrian energy infrastructure into its sphere. Concurrently, Türkiye brought to the table initiatives for a maritime demarcation agreement with Syria, reinforcing Ankara’s leadership in regional stability. Relations with Israel reached a critical point amidst Türkiye’s unequivocal condemnation of the genocide in Gaza. Since the Operation al-Aqsa Flood, Israeli aggression has resulted in over 44,000 civilian casualties, including more than 16,000 children, 105,000 injured and with many others facing famine, sickness, and a lack of essential resources under relentless bombardment. Türkiye, under the leadership of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, has consistently advocated for a two-state solution to ensure dignity and freedom for the Palestinian people, while persistently calling for an end to the ongoing genocide. However, the global community, including many of the world’s “so-called” democracies, failed to support Türkiye’s peace proposals and calls for halting the genocide. Despite this, Türkiye’s principled stance resonated at the United Nations Headquarters, the Security Council, and across the globe. In November, Türkiye severed all its diplomatic ties with Israel, a decisive move that underscored its strong alignment with international law, humanitarian principles, and moral values, prompted by Israel’s unwillingness to end the genocide in Gaza. In 2024, Türkiye’s humanitarian diplomacy continued its longstanding expansion beyond its immediate neighborhood. In Africa, Ankara further reinforced its influence through ongoing mediation efforts, infrastructure investments, and cultural diplomacy. By exporting cutting-edge drone technology, Türkiye has bolstered its strategic foothold. Simultaneously, educational scholarships and media outreach have bolstered Türkiye’s position as an equal partner, emphasizing cooperation in contrast to the traditional asymmetric approaches of ex-colonial Western powers toward the region. As a result of Türkiye’s multiaxial foreign policy, Ankara adeptly balanced its NATO commitments with independent initiatives, reflecting its ability to navigate the complexities of an evolving global order. Türkiye’s multiaxial approach, engaging with both the West and East, as well as the North and South, demonstrated a nuanced and adaptive strategy that reinforced its position as a central actor in international relations. This approach allowed Ankara to foster robust relations with key global players across diverse political and economic blocks while maintaining a steadfast commitment to regional and global stability and cooperation. By strategically aligning its defense, diplomatic, and economic policies, Türkiye advanced its influence and credibility on the global stage, showcasing its ability to contribute to resolving international challenges and ensuring a balanced and inclusive approach to global governance. For Türkiye, 2024 was a year of assertiveness and proactive diplomacy. Leveraging geopolitical shifts, Türkiye amplified its influence on regional and global stages. Its strategic vision seamlessly blended humanitarianism with calculated diplomacy, offering a beacon of hope amid global turbulence. As the world transitions to 2025, Türkiye’s foreign policy underscores the responsibility for redefining her role, standing as a symbol of resilience and inspiration. As the guardian of the vulnerable and the protector of the voiceless, Türkiye remains as a ‘beacon of hope,’ not only for the neighboring region but for the entire world. Within this framework, this issue of Insight Turkey seeks to address many of these topics, offering in-depth analyses to enhance our understanding not only of Turkish foreign policy but also of the regional and global dynamics in which Türkiye plays a pivotal role. In recent years, public diplomacy has become a central pillar of Türkiye’s foreign policy, particularly since the establishment of the Directorate of Communications in 2018. Therefore, understanding Türkiye’s approach to public diplomacy is crucial. In his research article, Oğuz Güner provides a comprehensive analysis of Türkiye’s public diplomacy ecosystem. He delves into its practices, explores the transformative impact of institutionalization, and examines the concept of nation branding as a key component of this evolution. In the same vein, Ali Çiçek and Ali Asker argue that while Türkiye has achieved significant success in its public diplomacy efforts, the time has come for Türkiye and Azerbaijan —united by the deeply rooted concept of “one nation, two states,” reflected in public opinion and their cooperative endeavors— to expand their strategic partnership into the sphere of public diplomacy. Çiçek and Asker explore how Türkiye can share its public diplomacy expertise with Azerbaijan and examine the potential for collaborative public diplomacy initiatives between the two nations. As mentioned earlier, defense continues to be a critical domain in Turkish foreign policy due to its strategic significance. In this context, Recep Şehitoğlu and İbrahim Karataş offer a fresh perspective in their article, arguing that the rise of Türkiye’s defense sector has contributed to establishing a form of Pax Turka in certain conflicts. They suggest that as the Turkish defense industry develops more advanced weaponry, the influence of Pax Turka could become increasingly pronounced, particularly in parts of the region. Their study further predicts that the scope of Pax Turka may expand significantly by the 2030s. The Kurdish Question has long been a pivotal element in Türkiye’s domestic affairs, with significant implications for its foreign policy. While this issue is analyzed in detail regarding the current government’s policies, there is a noticeable gap in the discussion concerning the stance of opposition parties, particularly the CHP. Addressing this gap, Halime Kökçe and Ramazan Akkır’s article examines and compares the policies of two CHP leaders, namely Deniz Baykal and Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu. They argue that during Baykal’s tenure, the CHP’s approach to the Kurdish Question was largely shaped by concerns about protecting the regime. In contrast, under Kılıçdaroğlu, the party’s stance shifted to focus more on the socio-economic challenges faced by Kurds, marking a partial departure from nationalist policies. The growing importance of Türkiye in regional and global affairs has become particularly evident in the context of the Russia-Ukraine war, where it has emerged as a key actor striving to end the conflict through various initiatives. This issue of Insight Turkey focuses on this topic with both a commentary and a research article. Specifically, Barış Çağlar’s commentary emphasizes that the true adversary in the Russia-Ukraine conflict is not any specific nation or faction but the looming threat of nuclear war, arguing that preventing nuclear escalation must be the foremost priority. The author also highlights how Türkiye, by promoting dialogue and facilitating peace negotiations, exemplifies a strategic and alternative approach to conflict resolution, one that seeks not only to prevent further escalation but also to lay the groundwork for lasting peace. On the other hand, Merve Suna Özel Özcan, in her qualitative study, examines the mediating role of militarist and internationalist sentiments in shaping the relationship between the personal values of Turkish society and their attitudes toward the war in Ukraine. This issue of Insight Turkey also places significant emphasis on developments in the Middle East, particularly the events in Palestine and Iran’s policies. Within this framework, the commentaries by Mahmoud al-Rantisi and Mustafa Caner provide detailed analyses of these topics. Specifically, al-Rantisi explores the impact of Yahya Sinwar’s martyrdom on the Palestinian resistance and the Hamas movement, offering also an analysis of how Israel consistently misunderstands the mindset of the Palestinian resistance, a dynamic that is expected to persist in the future. Furthermore, Mustafa Caner’s commentary focuses on Iran-Israel relations, examining Iran’s policy toward Israel through historical, strategic, and contemporary lenses. The analysis delves into Iran’s strategic calculations and the balancing actions and mechanisms it has employed in the post-October 7 period to avert a full-scale war in the region. Two additional research articles focusing on Iran are also included in this issue. The first, by Hakkı Uygur, offers a detailed and significant analysis of the evolution and institutionalization of Iran’s intelligence apparatus, including the internal dynamics and developments among its intelligence agencies. The second article, by Yousof Qorashi, examines the efforts of Iran and India to expand their influence in Central Asia, highlighting how the U.S. has not only obstructed these ambitions but also hindered cooperation between the two states. This issue also addresses developments in Iraq, Azerbaijan, and Afghanistan. First, Mohamad Hassan Soueidan’s article highlights two major projects in Iraq: the Grand Faw Port and the Dry Canal. According to the author, these initiatives, which aim to connect Iraq with Europe through Türkiye and Syria, have the potential to transform Iraq’s role in global trade and reshape its economic landscape. Second, Shamkhal Abilov, Natıg Abdullayev, and Eldar Hamzalı shed light on the Sumgait events of 1988 and the Khojaly massacre of 1992, focusing on Russia’s involvement in both cases. Furthermore, their analysis also examines whether Azerbaijan and Armenia demonstrate tendencies of denialism when comparing these events. Third, Shahid Ahmed Afridi uses Afghanistan as a case study, employing post-structuralism to deconstruct the theoretical foundations of the “liberal peace” order. He critically examines the U.S. peacebuilding framework in Afghanistan, offering fresh insights into its limitations and implications. Last but not least, this issue of Insight Turkey features a commentary that examines the implications of the forthcoming Trump Administration for the global order. Written by Kılıç Buğra Kanat, the commentary provides a detailed analysis of the potential policies of the new administration toward key global actors, including Russia, China, and the Middle East. As we bid farewell to another year, Insight Turkey proudly concludes its 26th year of publication, marked by impactful and comprehensive analyses of Turkish foreign policy and regional developments. As we prepare to embark on a new year, we are excited to bring fresh topics, innovative perspectives, and in-depth insights to our readers. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our readers for their continued support and engagement. We look forward to your continued readership and invite you to join us on this journey as we explore the evolving dynamics of our world in the year ahead.
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