Personal Selling
In line with students' current career goals,Personal Sellingfocuses exclusively on professional business-to-business selling rather than retail selling. Early introduction of the Personal Selling Process (PSP) engages students from the beginning, with tools for converting prospects into customers. The authors' latest research on customer loyalty and relationship marketing further distinguishes Personal Selling from other titles, which focus less on these pressing issues. Strategies for achieving long-term customer loyalty underscore how attracting, cultivating, and retaining satisfied customers leads to higher profitability for salespeople and their organizations. Clear, conversational writing allows students to easily understand the authors' research and analysis of the field. The Second Edition includes an updated discussion of technology tools and services that facilitate sales. Chapter 2 explores the behavioral, technological, and managerial forces affecting personal selling today, and discusses numerous inexorable changes within each. In addition to new examples and photos, a new feature follows an actual sales professional through the various aspects of his job. New!Revised and reorganized, Chapter 3—now titled "Ethics and Legal Considerations in Personal Selling"—covers ethical issues that arise when dealing with prospects and customers, co-workers, and the company. Unlike other personal selling texts, the chapter also discusses sexual harassment in the workplace. New!For the Second Edition, the authors have enhanced the text's real-world focus by incorporating current research, examples, and cases from actual companies. New!NewPersonal Profilesfocus on salespeople from diverse backgrounds, demonstrating that there is no stereotypical profile of a successful salesperson. Five of the profiles are new to this edition and include interviews with representatives from Beiersdorf, DHL, and Samsung. In addition, a specific salesperson is profiled in the core chapters to illustrate the personal selling process. New!To increase the text's visual appeal, the Second Edition features a colorful, contemporary design and new photographs in every chapter, as well as five new icons that signal the following pedagogical features:On the Frontlines, It's Up to You, From the Command Post, Keeping Up Online,and enhanced online content. Updated!The impact of technology requires today's sales professional to be more tech savvy than ever. Chapter 2, "The Dynamic Personal Selling Environment," focuses on the empowerment of salespeople who use the latest technology in order to achieve customer satisfaction and loyalty. With respect to the Internet, the text covers the use of blogs, pod-casting, screen sharing, video conferencing, and personalized e-mails in the sales process. All chapters conclude with a set of key terms, chapter review questions, topics for thought and class discussion, new role-play exercises, new Internet research exercises, projects for personal growth, and a case. An additional case is found online.