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Grit, Guts and Gumption
Grit, Guts and Gumption
‘If both banks grew at the rate they have achieved in the past four years, ICICI Bank will overtake State Bank in four years in terms of deposits’—Business World, July 2007 ‘Even a casual glance at SBI . . . reveals a bank fuelled by growth . . . SBI has swamped almost every segment of industry it has stepped into’—Business India, August 2009 This is the story of the carefully planned resurgence of the State Bank of India (SBI) from a laid-back incumbent under threat from private players to a customer-oriented competitive organization that has outperformed rivals despite several constraints. The leadership at SBI succeeded in reshaping perspectives and profitability at the bank, which employs a staggering 200,000 people, notwithstanding salary restrictions and regulatory bottlenecks. While the primary thrust was on changing employee attitude towards their own organization and, of course, its customers, the transformation exercise was broadbased, encompassing fundamental changes in technology, processes and business-mix alike. In about three years beginning 2006, SBI not only defended its own lair against the siege of younger, leaner, meaner rivals, but actually took the battle to the attackers’ domains. SBI’s size and setting make the story an inspiring example to other organizations, particularly in the public sector. Written in a fluid and engaging style, and backed by facts, figures, analysis and anecdotes, the book challenges several stereotypes and dogmas common in today’s management circles.
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Public Policy in India
Public Policy in India
What is governance and how does it evolve? What are the steps involved in law-making and what often holds back its implementation? Do the legislature and the executive relate to the rapidly changing democratic politics? Can the globally hailed policy theories work in India? This short introduction addresses such debates and more through a variety of case studies. Tracing the evolution of the discipline in India, it provides a concise and lucid introduction of how policies develop, how they are implemented, as well as the techniques of evaluation and the challenges in governance facing the country.
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Public-Private Partnerships in Infrastructure
Public-Private Partnerships in Infrastructure
The book provides readers with a clear understanding of infrastructure challenges, how Public‐Private Partnerships (PPP) can help, and their use in practice. Infrastructure bottlenecks are generally considered the most important constraint to growth in many countries worldwide. Historically, infrastructure projects have been financed and implemented by the state. However, owing to the fiscal resource crunch, time and cost over‐runs, and the general poor quality of publicly provided infrastructure, many emerging market governments, including India, have increasingly adopted PPPs with billions of dollars of investment riding on them. The results have been varied – from spectacular airports like the Delhi International Airport Limited with the associated controversy over land use, to the renegotiation of contracts as in the case of Tata Mundra Ultra Mega Power Project. Illustrating concepts with relevant case studies, the book makes the challenges of PPPs understandable to industry and management practitioners as well as students of management, public policy and economics. It is useful to practitioners wishing to avoid the pitfalls in the tricky terrain of PPPs and policymakers wanting guidance in crafting proper incentives. It also helps students gain a holistic and “applied” understanding of this increasingly important and popular model. “Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) in India are currently under stress. A comprehensive treatment of the subject by a long-time and erudite practitioner and a management academic, this book should be useful to students trying to learn the basics, while also being valuable to professionals and policy makers. The book suggests that the Government should hold bidders accountable to their submitted bids, thereby preserving sanctity of contract. This will discourage aggressive bidding which has become a serious and endemic problem. The book also suggests the use of better bidding criteria to mitigate traffic risk in transport projects. Policy makers should pay heed to these suggestions as they consider improvements in the PPP policy regime going forward.”—Arvind Subramanian, Chief Economic Adviser, India/div “For a fast-growing India, infrastructure creation and operation is a great challenge and opportunity. This excellent book combines theory and practice on PPPs, and is very useful for professionals and students alike. With case studies and current developments, the authors bring out issues in India with global experiences as well. A must-read for infrastructure practitioners.”—Shailesh Pathak, Chief Executive (Designate), L&T Infrastructure Development Projects Limited “India’s program of private participation in infrastructure attracted worldwide attention as it became one of the largest programs in emerging markets. As well as the volumes of finance mobilized, it garnered interest because of some of the innovative approaches developed, such as Viability Gap Funding. The Indian PPP story is well captured in this book, which also makes the point that India is seeing project cancellations and failures rise. The authors analyze the factors behind this and point the way to a more robust PPP market that learns from the experiences of the past.”—Clive Harris, Practice Manager, Public-Private Partnerships, World Bank/div
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Shaping Policy in India
Shaping Policy in India
How effective is the Indian polity in making laws and policies to address changing ground realities? How do its gears work? Which stakeholder groups are more successful in bringing about policy change, through what methods, and in what contexts? Seeking to answer these questions, Shaping Policy in India takes a close look at nine landmark Indian laws and legislative attempts to reveal the sociopolitical process of policy formulation in the world’s largest democracy. Offering in-depth accounts of the evolution of these nine major legislations, this book interrogates the suitability of existing political theories to explain the policy development process in an emerging economy like India. It covers recent events in the 1999–2014 period that have underlined the role of non-government players in law-making in India, as well as long-standing movements like right to information, right to education, and food security. Case studies have been used to assess the complexity against the relief of existing political theories, invariably developed in the West and to identify gaps in current political theory in understanding the nature of issue-based political movements, advocacy, and activism. The book then takes a few initial steps towards suggesting a paradigm based on complexity theory that may better serve to illuminate this critical part of the political process.
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