This book presents a case history of a patient with pemphigus vulgaris to illustrate in a clinical context essential points about the mechanisms of immunity and to explain some of the immunological problems often seen in the clinic. It is helpful for medical students and pre-medical students.
This case study is about a 29-year-old professional oboe player who was first diagnosed for optic neuritis and then for multiple sclerosis (MS). MS is an example of a T-cell mediated autoimmune disease, wherein there is an autoimmune attack on the integrity of the central nervous system.
This book presents a case history of a patient with T-Cell lymphoma, to illustrate essential points about the mechanisms of immunity and to explain some of the immunological problems seen in the clinic. It is intended for medical students and pre-medical students.
This book presents a case history of a patient with congenital asplenia to illustrate in a clinical context essential points about the mechanisms of immunity and to explain some of the immunological problems often seen in the clinic. It is helpful for medical students and pre-medical students.
This volume recapitulates major topics of immunology as the background to a selection of real clinical cases that reinforce and extend the basic science, illustrating the importance of an understanding of immunology in diagnosis and therapy.
This book presents case histories that are chosen for two purposes: to illustrate in a clinical context essential points about the mechanisms of immunity; and to describe and explain some of the immunological problems often seen in the clinic.
This case study of a boy with juvenile diabetes illustrates a complication of poorly controlled insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM), namely diabetic glomerulosclerosis. In IDDM, the kidneys are damaged, renal failure ensues and the only therapy, except hemodialysis, is renal transplantation.
This book presents a case history of a patient with a mixed essential cryoglobulinemia, to illustrate essential points about the mechanisms of immunity and to explain some of the immunological problems often seen in the clinic. It is helpful for medical and pre-medical students.
This book presents a case history of a patient with deficiency of the C8 complement component, to illustrate essential points about the mechanisms of immunity and to explain some of the immunological problems often seen in the clinic. It is helpful for medical and pre-medical students.