"It was marvelous to fly, to roam through SchoolWorld at night, at the times with higher ratings. I liked to inspect the night schools and Institutes, sliding through the halls on my floatibike at top speed. The unpeople walked hunchingly, without looking at me, in case I had the brilliant idea of submitting them to the Emergency Test; they could be anything, be it classkipers or even chronic suspenders. Among the debris, a group of moropoors was eating around a fuming cauldron. My name is Threesabel Arquena and I'm a Class Delegate..." At the dawn of the XXIII century, society is deeply traumatized. After the Forgetfulness war, a global fight where Mnemonic Missiles were used for the first time, memories got diluted, data banks were either destroyed or deleted, and history became a cumulus of nonsense. As a consequence, culture became a religion. Two forces battle for the truth's monopoly: the University, a superpowerful estate that analyzes, interprets, and forces its official truth on History and Free Faculties, that rebels against the system, using urban warfare and sabotage.