Let the Rain Fall
 It was the summer of 1943, and I was just seventeen years old. I had lived here, in Summerville, South Carolina, for my whole life. I was an only child, and my parents had been wealthy for as long as I could remember. Th ey had what was called old Southern money, and it just kept on coming for them. I was soon to fi nish high school and attend a fi nishing school, and my parents were doing all they could to arrange a future marriage with someone fr om a family equally as wealthy as they were  Thus begins the story of Katherine, who has her world turned upside down when she meets the new boy in town, William Brenner. Will, with his calm assuredness and unwavering faith, is unlike any person Katherine has ever known. Unfortunately for her, he does not fi t the Kensington family ideal of the wealthy, socially elite young man they desire for their daughter. As the two fall in love and begin planning their future together, Katherines parents do all that they can to keep the two apart, including introducing Katherine to Richard Wellington, their prime candidate for their daughters heart. When confronted with a series of unexpected and unfortunate circumstances, Katherines heart is tested in ways she never thought possible as she wrestles with whether or not to hope when all she holds dear seems lost.