Essence of Emma
Meet Katie Sapphire Albright, dedicated high school basketball star, destined for the WNBA, or is she?. With killer moves on the court, she leaves ‘em shakin’ and quakin’ beneath the basket while mad mojo flows through her blogs, her personal comfort zone where she channels her inner Emma Stone Fangirl persona and blogs with confidence on the world-wide web. Real life courtside is a struggle when her dad makes a fast break and starts a new life with homewrecker Debbie, the office girl. Katie plays defense, and she and her mom hit the road for a new beginning. Katie enters a whole new world when she meets up with her Instabestie, JuneBug in person, gets a job at the Cupcake Shoppe and embraces her feminine side, complete with princess dresses, tiaras, and shopping sprees. When Katie meets her scrumptious Mudpie Mojo, aka Oliver, aka first serious real-life crush, sparks fly. They share an electric attraction intensified by stolen kisses, heated collisions, special moments, and unforgettable public poetry reading. Katie’s falling hard and fast, and it’s scary. She turns to her security blanket, the Internet, where she finds a more distant and safe love interest online. Will Katie, the overly imaginative dreamer, step into the real world for handsome Oliver and face possible heartbreak, or will she hide out in La La Land with Emma Stone? Some habits are hard to break.