Legendary Locals of Saginaw
Saginaw's river system was important to settlement in the area. The Shiawassee, Tittabawassee, and Saginaw Rivers converge at a place called Green Point. It was here that Native Americans lived long before the first white man came. Louis Campau was the first permanent white settler. Later, Gen. Louis Cass arrived and was commissioned to negotiate a treaty with the Indians for the purpose of acquiring a large portion of their lands. Settlers began to arrive, along with trappers and fur traders, but the city did not begin to grow until men from the East found that a fortune could be made in lumbering white pine trees. Men such as Curtis Emerson, Norman Little, Jesse Hoyt, Wellington R. Burt, and Little Jake Seligman prospered because of the lumber boom. When lumbering waned, many of the lumber barons remained in Saginaw and established new businesses. Saginaw has legendary leaders and heroes in the areas of medicine, education, agriculture, business, and industry. Many are highlighted throughout the chapters of this book.