Geography and Geographers
Geography and Geographers provides a survey of the major debates, key thinkers and schools of thought in human geography in the English-speaking world, setting them within the context of economic, social, cultural and political as well as intellectual changes. It focuses on the debates among geographers regarding what their discipline should study and how that should be done, and draws on a wide reading of the geographical literature produced during a fifty-year period characterised by both growth in the number of academic geographers and substantial shifts in conceptions of the discipline's scientific rationale. The pace and volume of change within the discipline show no sign of diminishing, and this sixth edition has been extensively revised and updated to reflect both continued developments within established fields of inquiry and the introduction of significantly new approaches during the last decade. There is more material on cultural geography, 'radical approaches', and feminist geographies, alongside comprehensive coverage of recent changes across the discipline. Above all, the book maintains its traditional strength of offering a thoroughly contemporary perspective on human geography. Praise for Geography and Geographers 'has probably done more to shape human geographers' collective sense of what geography is and has been about than any other single source' Political Geography 'this is a fine book. It has no equal for providing a comprehensive tour d'horizon of modern human geography.' Environment and Planning A