An Akkadian Handbook
Students of Akkadian will find this handy collection of basic information to be the ideal companion through their years of study. Though this handbook is not a replacement for the standard reference works, it summarizes all the basic resource materials needed for the study of Akkadian. Included are the following: miscellaneous helps, paradigms of nouns and verbs, a glossary of important proper nouns, an index of logograms, a sign list with complete sign values, and much more. What is new in this revised and expanded edition: —An expanded list of common abbreviations —A thorough bibliography of important reference works in ten categories, including websites —Part One: Additional and more thorough lists, including dialect information for conjunctions, prepositions, and particles —Part Two: Additional nominal and verbal paradigms —Part Three: Glossary expanded and updated, content thoroughly documented and cross-referenced —Part Four: Expanded list of logograms —Part Five: Complete list of graphic signs as found in Borger’s Mesopotamisches Zeichenlexikon, tagged by his new numbering system, and cross-referenced to the Deimel system; sign information aligned with MZL for logographic values and with MZL and Das akkadische Syllabar for syllabic values; graphic sign images now included with the list of determinatives; two new indexes —Can now be used alongside all major grammars of Akkadian —A more attractive format —All data checked against the latest published reference works