This comprehensive book, written from practitioner’s point of view, presents the theory and practices of performance management in a systematic manner. The book is patterned after motivational structure of human resource comprising seven strategies—Reward, Career, Team, Culture, Measurement, Competency and Leadership centric performance management, 14 interventions, and 140 drivers. It discusses in detail important topics such as the 360 degree feedback, the balanced scorecard, six sigma, implementing performance management model/appraisal system, which are essentials of successful performance management. Key Features : • Presents in detail the theory of reward, culture, career, competency, measurement and leadership in the context of integrated performance management model (IPMM). • Discussion questions, case studies and key words are added in each chapter for better comprehension. This concise book is primarily intended as a textbook for postgraduate students of management—with specialization in human resource management, including organization development, industrial relations and training and development. This is also highly useful for professionals in the field as a handbook for driving performance management step-by-step.