A PULP TALES PRESS REPLICA: The final issue of this sci-fi pulp magazine. Contents: "The Vortex Blaster" by E. E. Smith, "The Devil's Asteroid" by Manly Wade Wellman, "The Whispering Spheres" by R. R. Winterbotham, "The Street That Wasn't There" by Clifford D. Simak and Carl Jacobi, "The Sky Trap" by Frank Belknap Long, "A World is Born" by Leigh Brackett, "The Indulgence of Negu Mah" by Robert Arthur, "The Beast of Space" by F. E. Hardart, "The 4-D Doodler" by Graph Waldeyer, "The Bell Tone" by Edmund H. Leftwich, and "The Ultimate Experiment" by Thornton DeKy.