Ear Cleaning
"EAR CLEANING, Mr. Schafer states, is a collection of his notes for an experimental music course, given to first year university students...Mr. Schafer correctly maintains that ears must be cleaned as a prerequisite !or all music listening and playing. EAR CLEANING describes his procedures for achieving this goal. The common denominator of all lessons is active student participation through free discussion, experimentation, improvisation and objective analysis of the elements of music. No conclusion is accepted until thoroughly tested in the crucible of personal experience. Obviously, this type of training is of the utmost importance today when the ear is constantly exposed to a mounting crescendo of sounds of all kinds. The difficulties of evaluation, of selecting the good from the bad, the genuine from the spurious, become increasingly complicated. It is futile for music education lo perpetuate the old myths of 'music appreciation' to take refuge in the neat formulae of formal training, while leaving this basic aspect of education untouched. This course, outlined by Mr. Schafer is a brilliant and highly practical description of what can be done lo fill this unfortunate gap in music education. Moreover, the skillful teacher can easily adapt it for use at any level, elementary, secondary, or university. The style of presentation, witty and lucid, is in refreshing contrast to the solemnity of the average music text. EAR CLEANING is a contribution of the highest importance to the existing literature on music education. It has a vital message for all music teachers, and indeed for all people who are concerned with the spiritual welfare of the young."--Introduction.